Well, even though I made this a few weeks back, I still wanted to share my spring wreath(s) with all of you 🙂
I totally have a love for burlap. The texture and the color get me every time. For a while a really wanted burlap throw cushions for our living room, but we do a lot (LOTS) of laying around on the couch, and my husband already complains about the pillows with the beads…(Pier 1 score years ago, and I still love them!), so scratchy just wouldn’t go over well.
So I added it elsewhere, and first place was this wreath. I followed the tutorial over at Top This Top That, I was totally inspired, gathered all my supplies, and off I was… or so I thought?
I already had burlap, and while I was at JoAnn’s getting some zippers for the new throw pillows I made (that post coming this week !!)  I happened to walk by the floral department, and realized how cheap theses wire wreaths were. They were cheaper than the foam ones?! Maybe I am the only one surprised by that.. anyhow, so I grabbed a large and a small one, a few fake floral stems, and I ended up grabbing a role of burlap, like she had mentioned in her post, because that would eliminate me having to cut mine into strips, and homebound I was 🙂
SO. assembling all my tools, I looked at it and thought how hard could it be? Until I realized I needed a starting point, and I was a teensy bit stumped ;/  So here are some photos I snapped along the way in case any of you are inspired and want to try this at home.
I guess the one thing that totally works in your favor, is that because the burlap is rough and textury, It’s really easy to work with in this project, and will stay where you want it to, without much help.
Bunching on end of the burlap together, I started weaving it around the fire frame, once it was in contact with each other, it pretty much stayed in place. Just start, and after you have a little section done, you can fluff it,
and make the loops as big as you like.
Once I got about 3/4 of the way through I added my flowers for placement. Usually I will just whip out my hot glue gun and smoosh ’em right on, (question: Is “smoosh” a real word?).
But I had the thought of wanted to change out the flowers if I felt like it, so I decided to weave the stems through the wire wreath as well.
Then I tied them in place using string from the burlap itself.
Once the flowers were in place I filled in the last little empty space, you can see in the photo above, just looping it through, and fluffing to my likeness 🙂
And this is what I got:
It contrasts really nicely with the black front door, I can see it as soon as I pull in the driveway.
For the small wreath, I used the little bit I had left, and made it more raw looking with cut edges, because basically, I was stretching what I had left, and really didn’t want to go get more for such a small wreath:)
I used the same technique as mentioned above, and using some of the left over smaller buds, and some yellow ribbon I already had, this is what I got:
It hangs nicely on the old window propped up on my mantle 🙂
I have a few more photos of some simple spring touches I added throughout the house, along with the reveal of the painted door.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
I’m linking this project up to:

Love the wreath…looks like something I could do 🙂
Where can I buy wreath in Italy?
Hi! wow, I’m a year behind on these burlap wreaths, lol! thanks for showing us how you made yours and I will go check out Top This Top That, too. Your wreath looks gorgeous against the beautiful black door. I bought a huge roll of burlap this past August for a table runner and fall wreath, and Christmas, but now I want to paint the burlap for this wreath. Wish me luck!
Hmmmmm very interesting tutorial….. i will try and add it to my website ……….!
Your wreath looks beautiful! I’ve been planning a trip to the store to buy the burlap on a roll for forever now!….now I have the motivation to get there asap!!
Thanks so much for the sweet comment Stephanie! p.s. I found the bet deal at Micheal’s especially with one of their coupons 🙂 ~Bre
I love burlap. Your wreath came out great. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays.