Sharing a bit of real life with you on the blog today!
Things have been in full production
over here lately,
with client projects and sign orders,
and I think one of the most common questions I get asked is,
“Where do all these projects take place?”
Allow me to show you!
No pretty pictures today folks.
Just some real life and some real honesty.
it has to get worse before it can better.
So yes, needless to say the house is in desperate need of some
cleaning attention.
Honestly what I really want you to know is,
that while I love a tidy clean space,
and decorating it,
that’s not always the case for us.
Things don’t always get put back in their spot.
Somedays I can clean, and when I move on to the next room and come back,
the kids have made another mess that needs to be picked up.
They are constant on- the -go!
Snacks get left out from the day before,
and when life gets cluttered,
the house gets cluttered.
I certainly cringe with the thought of showing you these photos of my messy house,
but I’ve been told multiple times before,
“Bre, I don’t think your house ever gets messy.”
Well, yes, Yes it does.
And while I like it clean, I try to keep it clean, that is not always the reality.
I’m sure you all have seen the sign with the saying,
“Pardon our mess, but we live here.”
Well, I do think it’s cute, I cringe at the thought of it,
because to me it’s an excuse to always have a mess.
Don’t miss understand me here,
I’m fully aware of how life is, and it’s messy,
(hence the photos)
But for some I think that saying justifies the need to NOT put forth the effort
to take pride in themselves or their homes/families.
They chalk it up to “This is just how it’s going to be.”
And while Yes, it is a lot of work, staying on top of things,
Everyone around you appreciates it when
things are clean.
I mean can you imagine if we all just walked around without taking
showers because we got dirty, and it’s going to happen so why do anything about it?
Think of how good you feel after a much needed shower ๐
Well, I don’t about you, but I feel that way after my house gets
picked up and put back together again.
One thing I notice about when I clean,
is that it makes me so appreciate everything that I do have,
instead of focusing on the next thing that I think I want.
“Gratitude turns what we have into Enough.”
And I can tell you I experience this often!
I guess what I hope you learn about me today is,
there is no magic way to keeping the house clean and “magazine ready”,
a lot of prep work happens before I take any photos
for the blog,
And I would never want you to think that I always “have it together”.
Yes, I would still clean my butt off before you come
over for cup of coffee,
But we are real, and life happens here,
Loved this post.
Great post…makes me feel much better about my mess as I get ready for a show!!
Love that you’re ‘keepin it real’! Great post ๐
I love bloggers who show the REAL life behind all those pretty pictures!! Thank You!
Well said! And I like how you emphasized taking pride in your space. Because that is what gets handed down to our kiddos and that lesson is so very important! Have a wonderful day and keep up the good work!!!
Looks like Home to me! Our home is pretty much in disarray most of the time because of the kids, but I know none of us would have it any other way! : )
Thanks for showing us “your reality”! It looks just like mine!! ๐
AMEN TO THAT !! Life does get busy and messy . I am so glad that I am not the only one that feels this way ….Thank you for sharing on a level that most would find embarrassing, we all have it and all go through it.
Relate-able and real !! GREAT SHARE !!
Rhonda from WI.
This took guts ๐ But I’m so proud of you for being so transparent! All these pics look surprisingly homey!! LOL! I still see “clean” and “organized” in these pics…and most of all, lots of love!! <3
You TOTALLY need a craft room!!! I’m too chicken to show my house looking messy, but believe me, it does!
Thanks for being so real!! Sometimes in blog world, everyone makes everything look so perfect. But girl! You need a craft room/office! Enjoy your day!
i can totally appreciate this post right now!!! i have been cleaning things out, purging, and it has caused some piles like that!