I had so much fun visiting everyones houses for the bHome Summer Home Tour. It totally put summer in full swing for me as far as decorating goes. Today I’m teaming up with a few ladies from the tour for a little round up, and to give you one last chance to enter the Painted Fox giveaway. In case you missed my tour the other day, you can view the whole tour here.
Here are few highlights from the week, for a little saturday inspiration 🙂
I about died when I saw all of Yvonne’s beautiful house, but I just loved this shot of her entryway, and all the beautiful details. You can see her tour here.
This just left me speechless! I mean, hello gorgeous painted dresser that is impeccably styled. You can view the whole tour here. I promise you, you will love her house 🙂
I would love to spend every morning here! Laura’s gorgeous porch always makes me stop in my tracks, the perfect summer retreat! See all of her tour here.
I love Rachel’s recent kitchen remodel, they are getting ready to move, but I love how crisp and bright it is. You can catch all of Maison de Pax’s tour here.
Julie shared her dining room, and I loved all the details, but especially this shot. Maybe it’s the antlers, maybe it’s the dough bowl. I loved how she displayed her plates on the wall around her huge chalkboard! You can see her entire tour here.
And of course, whom I dub the “mother” of bHome, Kelly’s house is screaming summer, and I especially want to just run and jump in her pool! You have got to check it out! You can see her tour here.
In thanks for being part of the bHome family already…or to welcome you today, we are giving away a $200 gift certificate to Painted Fox Treasures. PFt has all the summer time and any time home decor we all love. It is simple to enter. Just download bHome (the app) for free and leave me a comment with your bHome username. If you are already a bHome user, just comment and include your user name. Winner will be chosen at random on June 20th and notified with a message on bHome. Android users: don’t worry! We will offer this again when you can download too! Download bHome HERE.
Stay in touch!
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Thank you for sharing, Bre! xx
Thank you so much for the tour of your home. It is so beautiful and you can tell that you have a great eye for design. Jo
The summer tour has been such inspiration to me! I have downloaded bHome and look forward to more inspiration.
Bree, I’m sure you know by now that I have a huge crush on your home!!! SIGH!!!! I love your fresh, young amazing style… and you! Thanks for including me in the great round-up. Don’t you LOVE bHome and how it’s brought us all together?