Thank you so much for all of your kind comments and concerns in regards to my last post. It’s so nice to read all your well wishes, it totally brightens my day. The recovery is going well, but the reality is setting in on just how little I can do. My husband and kids have been amazing at making sure not only am I taken care of, but our household stuff is getting done as well, to the best of their ability. I have to be honest, I’ve never been in a position like this before, where I have to solely rely on the help of others. I can’t stand on my own, so crutches are a must, but even moving around a little bit is tiring. I can’t carry anything, clear anything off, bring anything in and out of the house. So grocery shopping, doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning off our drop zones are all out of the question. I can make the bed, yahoo, but most of the time I’m resting in it, so who wants to do that. If I move around too much during the day, than there is no energy left to cook dinner. All these daily tasks that you are unaware of how vital and key they are to your family functioning, until they are taken away.
My mom came over on Friday just to help me get some of the basics done, and I remember saying to her ” I will never take doing laundry for granted again!” HA HA. Before if I would get into a grouchy mood while housekeeping, and complaining about how no one unravels their dirty socks before putting them in the laundry basket, I would give myself a “heart-check” right there on the spot, and remind myself “Who I am doing this for”. It’s easy to feel like Cinderella when all you do is cook and clean, and cart around, and maintain the upkeep up your home. Sometimes you even feel taken advantage of because you are so deep in routine that people forget to say Thank You. Ouch! That can start to hurt a little. Have you found yourself there before? Feeling unappreciated, that your life has amounted to how well you make a grilled cheese, so it’s perfectly toasted but NOT burnt, and that the clean underwear and socks stay replenished? Forget the never ending unrealistic expectations we hold ourselves to in this over-sharing social media society, with pinterest perfect kids birthday parties, and those moms out there who seem to have everything together, they give Michelle Duggar a run for her money?! Friends, it is not about the perfect birthday party, and you are worth so much more than how well you can cook a grilled cheese. You might not all have too cook grilled cheese as much as I do, but you get what I mean.
There is a deeper root there, a bigger calling as to why we carry out the tasks at hand. I think these daily tasks and routines are overshadowed by a LOUD social media, that we miss the true meaning of why we do what we do. What we are called to do as caretakers and homemakers. Whenever that feeling of being unappreciated started to creep in, I would remind myself why I’m doing this, that I’m nurturing and taking care of my family. That it’s bigger than just me and my pity party at the time. That I was entrusted with these responsibilities by someone greater than me, who gave me the gifts and abilities to carry out the tasks at hand. When I serve my family as unto God, and do these daily tasks as if I were doing them for Him, I’m filled with contentment and joy for the work at hand. Because I’m no longer focusing on myself. I’ve changed my heart attitude and my perspective from looking inward and being soley on me, to looking outwards and the ones who He has entrusted me with to take care of. It goes so much deeper than making sure the underwear drawer is fully stocked, I’m instilling security and peace in them knowing they are well taken care of. And what greater way to reflect God’s love, than show how he takes care of all of us.
I’m sharing on this, and so much more in the Art of Home. Why we clean and do what we do amazingly as wives and mothers to care for our families. That it’s so much more than how we vacuum and do laundry. I hope you will join me for this amazing 4 week course online that is starting September 15th. Registration is going on now –
Stay in touch!
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I walked in your crutches for 6 weeks last summer….
Here is a second vote for the knee scooter…it is an amazing tool for getting you here and there in maximum comfort (if there is such a thing :^) I slid down steps on my fanny and the knee scooter (with the brakes locked), gave me leverage to get back up without causing other problems for me.
Take care of yourself, and blessings to you,
I broke my ankle in March and I am still recovering. I, too, had an epiphany in regards to cleaning and doing laundry. I had never been in the position before of not being able to take care of things. It gave me a different perspective on maintaining my household. My complaints have decreased significantly, but I do relapse at times! May the grace of God enable me to keep the right attitude. Have you thought about getting a knee scooter? So much better than crutches…
Very good post for all the overworked mothers out there. I like your faith based message.
I needed to hear this today. I am starting a new job. The same company but a different dept. I am nervous about the unknown, but I know the Lord will help me with this new adventure. Thank you so…much for your inspiration. Hope your road to recovery is less daunting as the days go by. Have a great day!
Hey girl We love ya! This was a great post! Keep on keeping on and have faith God will bring you through this!