I told you yesterday that I had something pretty cool happen over the weekend on Instagram. Something that doesn’t happen very often in this social media crazed world we live in. The dare to be authentic and live truly through the eyes of a lens and all that follow it is very rarely seen in large scales. Why is it that we get shunned for sharing everyday, ordinary life pictures? Isn’t that how social media started in the first place. I’ve shared my guidelines for Instagram HERE, and if you want to be successful, these simple guidelines hold a lot of weight in what to share and what not to share. But something compelled me Saturday to share a glimpse into what our everyday life really looks like. It wasn’t to be like “hey I’m human too” which I am, but it was more the picture perfect photos you see on the blog and on instagram, while nice, are not who we are day in a day out.
We are messy, we have kids. As much as I like a clean, orderly home, sometimes I just don’t feel like picking up, or doing the dishes. I certainly don’t let me world revolve around my “highlight reel”.You know only showing people the very best photos on FB and IG, that imply our completely perfect family in our completely perfect house. However to be successful in your business, and that’s what this is for me, people don’t want to see your mess. Otherwise why have magazine quality images for inspiration. After sharing this photo on IG on Saturday,
and 2 brave souls commented asking if this is what our table always looks like, I thought “Man is this what we have come too.” Only showing perfection in a less than perfect world. So I replied with sharing this!

Just sharing some “real life” moments with you!! Because when magazine perfect pictures are shown all the time, while they provide great inspiration, sometimes they can also provide comparison or feeling like you just can’t keep up! I was asked about this mornings tablescspe photo if it’s always like that. And the truth is while the pretty decor might always be there, life totally piles up around it!!! Here is what my table looks like RIGHT NOW. The victory in this photo are my sweet kids in the background playing together, and totally enjoying themselves!! Now back to the laundry!
Because the reality is no, our table does not always look like this. I keep it cleaned off just enough to take pictures, and that lasts for a little bit, and then life creeps back in. With lovely piles, and daily to-do’s that don’t get taken care of until much later sometimes.
The response was overwhelming. At first I thought to myself, you know even if it gets no likes, at least 2 people see that I’m real. Well the likes came pouring in, and something else that doesn’t usually happen did too. The comments came in like a flood. It is my highest commented photo to date. The second photo the “real life” photo gained just as many “likes” as any of my other typical photos I share. However this one poured in over 100 comments, and I was so touched by what you all had to say! Here’s just a snip-it:
Even though my mission on Instagram is to share my passion for interior design, and beautifully decorated rooms, I am a person. Some bloggers share every little detail of their lives, while some stick to their niche’. I think the most important thing to remain focused on is, am I still encouraging those who follow me. It’s one thing to inspire, but to truly encourage someone is so much deeper. You aren’t always accepted in this fast paced world for encouraging. Even the statistics of how people use Instagram have drastically changed since it first started. People hardly read what you right, they just scroll, in a daze, through their feeds liking pictures. Sad but true. I’m certainly not saying that those who only show pretty pictures are not encouraging. Some truly are. But I don’t ever want someone to question my picture perfect photos as my reality. Sometimes when that’s all that is shown, comparison can set in, or we begin to idol other peoples lives, when our own lives are pretty darn fantastic themselves. Real life gives grace, promotes openness, and keeps us humble. I don’t have it all figured out, and certainly don’t have it all together, but I love life, and I love sharing my passion, and hope you stay with me on this journey of non-perfect people encouraging one another in their own unique gifts!
Stay in touch!
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What a great picture and post! It was refreshing. The beautiful pictures of your home are inspiring, but connecting with people means they can relate to you. This picture shows a lived in home, which I can relate to. As much as I would love for my home to look picture perfect all the time, I have to remind myself that toys scatteted about and seeing my kids play and laugh makes my heart happy. I couldn’t imagine a perfect house that was full of pretty stuff but empty of life.
I found the “real life” photo very inspiring. When my kitchen table gets covered with stacks of stuff I feel like I will never be able to live the way I would like. Your real photo lets me see that even the pros aren’t perfect.
Thank you for being sincere enough to share the ‘real’ part too. I often wonder what people would think if they saw our kitchen table with our pill boxes and my husband’s favorite hot sauces. Oh my!
I saw this post on IG on Saturday and I definitely commented because it was so nice to see that the picture perfect homes that we love to look at are not always picture perfect! As much as I love to decorate and follow blogs and beautiful posts on IG, it sometimes can get to me that “why can’t I keep my house looking like this” or “why is it so difficult for me when all these others seem to have it down”. I am so glad that you posted this IG photo and I am so glad that you wrote about it on your blog! There is nothing more inspiring or encouraging then knowing we ourselves are not doing something wrong because our homes are not picture perfect on a daily basis! Love your blog and your IG!! Keep the beautiful pics and the real life pics coming!!
Loved your IG post on Saturday and love this too. I’m not a hugely popular blogger but I have been blogging since 2009 and the many friendships I have made through my blog (irl and online) are from taking the time to visit and comment. I am new on IG and I have carried that ‘connecting’ over.
Hey girl love your post and the not so perfect pic is so normal! Love ya gal!
Bre – I follow you on IG and although I didn’t post a comment on your real life picture – it made me smile. I love all of the beautiful pictures. I wouldn’t follow you or any of the other design bloggers if I didn’t. The reality is that your real life picture was a breath of fresh air. Thank you for your honesty and for your encouragement.
I think this was my favorite post ever!!!! Your home and family are beautiful and it’s nice to know that you, too, have piles of papers and laundry and STUFF that has to be dealt with on a daily basis.
This was a wonderful eye opener. We all try to take the great shots that inspire us and made us start a blog in the beginning but at the end of the day this is real life.
Thanks, Bre.
Great post (though I love your home when it is perfectly staged)! Our homes should be museums, but a place where life happens. My mother in-law’s home (she was the best) was a lived-in home. The grandkids took priority…always. It wasn’t a museum-type home, but a place where there was love, fun, adventures and joy. Best place ever. I hope she would be honored to read this post. Wishing you and yours the best as you live life in your gorgeous home.
I meant to say “shouldn’t be museums”!
I so enjoy your blog & your Instagram feed!!!! I did miss this post and think it was great you shared the reality of your day to day life. I understand that people’s homes are not magazine perfect all of the time. But what if someone’s day to day home really does look like their photos? I do wonder why there seems to be some sort of shame in having a tidy home? I like to keep an organized home. It’s a small home and we are a small family of three. I don’t like mail piling up on my counters or a backpack & shoes in the middle of the floor. That doesn’t mean that I think I’m better than anyone, it simply means I don’t like clutter, messes or whatever you want to call it. I like to look at pretty photos and I like to look around at a pretty, picked-up home. Thanks for taking the time to read this, as it’s something I’ve had on my mind for awhile. I know you have tons of followers and people you are following on IG. I would love it if, when you have time, you might take a look at my IG @heidikathryn17. I’m just someone who loves to decorate. Have a great day!!!
It’s ALL good…..especially good when a young Mom like you sees the beauty in living……from different perspectives…..love your blog!
? it’s refreshing to see this real life pic! I think it would be great if more bloggers on IG did this! You should start a tag#