I mentioned in yesterdays post one of the things I’m Currently Loving right now are Jenna Kutcher’s podcasts Goal Digger. It’s all about women supporting women in their creatively made business’, pursuing your passions, and turning those dreams into reality. Jenna packs it with loads of insight on how to grow your business, be better at your business, all while staying true to yourself – no gimmicks! I’ve been tuning in for the last 3 weeks, and I feel so inspired already. One of the things I love about podcasts is that you can listen, pause, and rewind whenever you want to. I’ve actually even begun to listen to them in the car too instead of music! Never thought that would happen, but I guess when you find something you really enjoy listening too, why not take it with you where you go?! One episode in particular really resonated with me, and has caused me to do some of my own soul searching, and I’m happy to say I know the answer. In episode 40 Jenna interviews Katie O. Selvidge and titles the podcast “Understanding Your Why”. So today I’m going to share with you my “WHY”, and why knowing your why is so important in today’s world.
I’ve always known why I do what I do, in a round about way. But Katie takes the time to ask the hard questions, which forces you to stop in your tracks and really digest and process why you do what you do. I have to say at first I wasn’t completely sold, but it’s because I realized I needed to process my answers more deeply. It’s easy to get caught up in the “busy”, that sometimes we literally have to force ourselves to slow down, and in my case, I needed to tell myself that it was ok to pause.
I think more than anything time is most precious to me, and I can’t stand the thought of wasted time. But one thing I needed to assure myself of was that it’s ok to take time and reflect, where normally I would have paused for a brief moment and if the answer doesn’t come to me instantly, than I push on. It’s ok to pause. Especially when that pause is so you can reflect on yourself. Your thoughts, your feelings, your calling.
In the interview, Jenna and Katie really challenge you to get to the root of “What it is that you’re working towards, and where you’re headed with your dreams”. I needed to know that. I needed to remind myself of that. Of why I’m doing what I’m doing. I think as a creative person, with entrepreneurial goals, and God-sized dreams it’s easy to get distracted. Not that we forget those dreams, but it’s easy to get pulled in multiple directions, never mind just the tasks of being a wife and a mom, and sometimes we can loose site of our “WHY”.
This never hit home for me than it has during this past season. Coming out of the fog of the holidays, and taking some time during these long days of winter to really sit down and vision cast where I see this whole thing going. And when the dreams are big the pressure can feel even bigger. If we loose site of our “WHY” then we really begin to wonder why we are spending all of this time doing what we are doing. It can begin to feel monotonous, and leave us feeling pretty unmotivated to do anything creative.
I’m so glad I took the time to pause, and really remind myself of my “why”, because now I feel even more confident than I ever did before on why I do what I do. In the podcast, Katie asks a series of questions that are taken from her teaching “Assured and Well”. These are the hard questions, that dare I say, really get you thinking why you do what you do. As founder of the Cottage Hill Magazine, Katie shares that she is a story teller.
She shares how she’s seen this carried out through her life in different avenues, but what it all comes back to is her love for telling genuine stories. I love how she correlates this by saying that right now she tells her stories through her magazine, but even if she is reading her children a bedtime story her “why” stays the same, but how she carries it out might change. Your purpose doesn’t change, but the outlet you carry it out in can. And that got me thinking.
Could I say that about my “why”? You see when you know your why, all of a sudden all the pressure to preform disappears. The tensions and struggles you may feel in social media fade away. No longer do you get tempted with thoughts of feeling “less than” or “not good enough” when looking at what others are doing because you are safe in the security of knowing why you do what you do, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Yes, you might have similarities to other people in your niche’, but this is what should make them allies, not enemies. This is how we get to a place of celebrating her success without questioning our own, and how we don’t let the comparison trap distract us from our God-sized dreams.
When I paused to contemplate my “why” and really, truthfully, honestly answer the questions Katie asks – I felt relief. The pressure to perform was gone. The worry of numbers and followers, and keeping up disappeared. All that was left was my “why”. If I woke up tomorrow and everything was gone, and there was nothing on the docket calling for my attention what would I do. The answer is this..
What I have been doing my whole life. Creating meaningful spaces for others to come and enjoy. It started when I was a young girl and I would tinker in my bedroom, setting up vignettes on my dresser and bookcases. When I had the job after high school that I hated, but would always find time in the day to make the office or store front feel warm and inviting. When I lived in the basement as I went to college part time and had no money or knowledge on interior design, but would rearrange my room making it feel the most warm and inviting. When I was newly married, and would light candles and set the table for my new husband coming home from work for dinner. Every area I volunteered in, every place I worked, every space that I called home, I cultivated an atmosphere that was warm and inviting for anyone that would come to find rest, feel peace, and enjoy.
That is my “why”. You see it’s so much more than pretty throw pillows, or the right window treatments. The heart of my mission is to Inspire others to Love the space that they Live in. And that is why I believe it’s possible to do whether you are renting or own a home. Whether you are in the throws of toddler-hood or are empty-nesters. Whether you are married or single, it doesn’t matter. We all long for a place that we can find rest in. So no matter what I put my hands too, whatever area I’m serving at in our church, or in my home creating an atmosphere for my own family – I do it with the intent to create an environment that is warm and inviting, where you will feel loved and accepted. My “why” is create inviting spaces, and right now this is being carried out through my blog, but I am comforted knowing my purpose will never change.
Did this post resonate with you? Are you curious to know what your “why” is? Do you feel you could honestly tell someone, even yourself, why you do what you do? Feel free to check out Jenna’s podcast episode with Katie – HERE.
I hope you know that you are loved and accepted just as you are, with your own unique creative purpose. Whether you are a nurturer, an encourager, a giver, a server, or a listening ear. You are unique and highly valued for just being YOU!
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So glad you enjoyed our chat and the Why x 5 idea resonated with you!
It resonated so deeply Katie!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing 🙂