Hello Friends!! I hope your week has been going well. We have been totally enjoying the lazy days of summer around here. family vacations, time spent outside soaking in the warm air, it truly has been a great summer so far. I know I’ve sharing little glimpse’s of our chicken coop on Instagram before, but I realized the other day while I was out collecting eggs, I don’t think I’ve shared much of it on here. I announced that we got chickens a few years ago – HERE. And since then we have added to the flock. We have a total of 12 chickens, and honestly they are so much fun to have. I love their personalities, and they have to be the most friendliest chickens I’ve ever met! I love sitting on my porch and watching them, and honestly looking out over our yard and seeing their coop just makes me happy, so I thought I would share it with you today.
When it came time to getting a coop for our chickens, my husband totally jumped on board and volunteered to make one. I’ll be honest I was super skeptical, lol. I mean a table sure, but a whole chicken coop that functioned, I had my doubts. I still have the sketch that I drew for him of what I wanted.
I can’t believe I’ve held onto it, but I just can’t seem to throw it away. He looked at me afterwards thinking this was way more than he volunteered for, but I told him if we were going to get one, this is what I wanted. So we compromised on a few things during the process of building it, but all in all I’d say came in pretty close. I’m still waiting for my cupola, but even if it doesn’t ever happen, I’ll still love him.
We used leftover siding and cedar shakes from when we re-built our barn. My husband thought I was crazy, but since both structures are visible in our yard, they look like they’ve always been here because they match. Honestly I think it’s super cute, but that’s just me, ha ha!
I dug up this photo from the first year after we built it. The cedar shakes are still fresh on the roof, and there is no landscaping yet around it, and we only have 4 young hens.
Now, we planted some grasses and hydrangea bushes in front of the coop, and trimmed the area out with the same crushed stone we used in our fire pit area.
My hydrangeas are doing the best ever this year. I transplanted them over to this shady spot last spring, and they have been thriving.
They love this spot so much in fact, I’m planning on planting some more this fall to fill in around the grasses. It’s the perfect spot that has the right amount of late afternoon sun, and plenty of natural fertilizer.
And of course I couldn’t share our coop without sharing our ladies with you.
We have quite the variety, my kids favorite part is picking them out. The hardest part is saying no, ha ha! If it were up to me we would probably have about 30 chickens, but we are loving our 12!
We call the one in the photo below Rockstar, because my husband says her hair looks like it belongs in an 80’s rock band!
And of course as I was snapping some pics they are all clustered around me, but I couldn’t help but notice this pretty lady staring my down threw the fencing.
LOL! She cracks me up. We have no roosters, which I will say we lucked out. I know many persist that they protect the hens and keep them in order, but we are going on our 4th year with no rooster and have had no problems.
Our hens are more like pets. We joke that if you talk to them they will talk back, and of course I can’t share our pets without sharing our main pet – Fenway!
She loves to lay in the shade in front of the coop! We joke that she is guarding them, secretly she just wants to play. I can’t believe it’s already been a year since getting Fenway, but I have to say she has adjusted nicely to our family life 🙂
Our coop is located directly across from our farmers porch, making it the perfect spot to sit and sip on a cup of coffee and watch the chickens.
I hope you enjoyed seeing our coop! For other views around our yard, you can check out this post HERE.
Stay in touch!
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hey girl- the chicken coop is so cool!
Your hubby did a great job. A landscape as well. The chickens look happy. I hope they are productive. I agree with you, chicken are different from other fowl. They each have a personality of their own. You folks have a very nice and restful place. I know you must be enjoying your surroundings.
Thank you Margaret!!! We do really love our space 😉