Our dining room has taken on many looks over the past 8 years since we’ve lived in this house. I’ve shared the progression our dining room took, showing where we started, and how I got it to the space you see today. You can read all about it HERE. Then this past fall I did something I had been pining to do for over a year, and that was to paint it a new darker color for the first time since I originally painted it Wood Smoke when we moved in. It’s been about 5 months, and I’m still loving the new color I chose – Peppercorn by Sherwin Williams. I took some photos the other week, mostly because the only photos I really had with the new color on the walls, our dining room was decorated for a specific seasonal home tour. So to start the year off with a fresh look, here is our dining room for 2019.

The sun was pouring in through our windows, and it totally brightened up the atmosphere, especially during these winter months that can seem to go on forever here in New England.

If you caught my posts about choosing our new darker color for in our dining room, you might remember my talking about how much I loved the flow from the dining room into the kitchen with the coordinating colors, since our island in the kitchen was already the same color.

It really does create such a cohesive feel when you are looking around our house throughout each room, and one bonus I wasn’t anticipating was the peaceful feeling it brings, when the rooms flow together like this.

I know that some people have a hard time deciding how to decorate during these transition months. With Christmas behind us, and spring not quite yet on its way. I always say to decorate with what you are in the mood for, and lately I have been in the mood for my spaces to feel fresh, and clean, and a pop of green!

To help with my craving for fresh and green, I picked up this blue star fern from Home Depot a few weeks ago. It was exactly what I needed to give my dining room a fresh start in the new year.

I ended up splitting the hanging plant into two pots, and then clustering them together in the middle of my table. They require low light, but as you can see below I think they are getting just plenty, and moist soil. So far they are holding up great, so we will see how hardy this fern turns out to be.

One thing I’ve realized with our dining room now this darker charcoal, navy blue, is having the same colors repeated throughout our home really makes me happy. Between the white, the gray, and then the darker blue tones, it takes on a somewhat monochromatic feel, but more than anything it just feels simple. And with all the holiday decorations safely put away until next year, simple is what I was craving.

So here is the latest view looking into our dining room from our living room, and I am loving the fresh take it has as we kick off the new year.

I’m constantly playing musical chairs in our dining room, but I do have some sources listed for our dining room HERE.

Loving your dining room. The bench looks great with its new color too. I don’t let color on the walls worry me. Color adds warmth to a home
yes to blue star fern! its my favorite house plant; the color is soft and muted and the plant is adaptable to many indoor conditions. i have three of them and will probably get more.
YAY!! That is so great to hear! So far mine are doing great!
Gorgeous!! I just got a sample of Peppercorn for an upcoming project and this is definitely a sign I chose properly! 😆 Sooo good, adore your home!