Hello Friends!! So many of you have loved the farmhouse floor plans I have shared in the past, and while they all varied in size they had one thing in common – a farmhouse style! I shared in my first ever floor plans post just how much I LOVE looking at floor plans, and envisioning how I would decorate those spaces. Picture your 14 year old self doodling on her school notebook how her name will look with a different last name of the boy you like, and day dreaming about signing your signature in your new last name. Yeah, that’s kinda how I day-dream about floor plans. My mind bursts with ideas with the opportunities for decorating that each new floor plan offers, and I kinda get lost in the day dream. Well, today I’m sharing 10 Floor Plans that are all under 2,000 square feet. Enjoy!
**Under each image you will find a direct link to the floor plan shown, should you want to find out more about that floor plan. **

Wanting to see even more amazing Farmhouse Floor Plans? Check out some of my other posts below.