With Easter this weekend, it feels like Mother’s Day is right around the corner! My birthday is the week before Mother’s Day, so it’s inevitable that this time of year I’m getting asked not only what I want for my birthday, but for mother’s day too! Our son’s birthday is the day before mine (my poor husband) so you can bet it’s a full week of celebrating around here! I’ve rounded up over 30 different gift ideas for this years Mother’s Day gift guide, and you might just be sneaking some of those items in your cart for you too!

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Whenever I’m asked what I want for mother’s day, I always think of something I’ve had my eye on, but just haven’t pulled the trigger on yet! Sometimes it’s new tech accessories, other times it’s been a HomeGoods shopping trip. New baking accessories, and for a few years it’s been a new shrub or plants for outside.
Whatever your fancy is, or for whoever you need to buy for, I believe that there is something for everyone on this list. The decorator, the baker, the gardener, the hostess, the cook. Take a look ~
P.S. Feel free to forward this post to your husband as well!!