Do you host Thanksgiving? Even if you don’t, I think there is one thing we can all agree on – where do we put all the food?! All at once every table top surface becomes valuable real estate, and there is just never enough room. Today I’m sharing a Thanksgiving styled bar cart, and how it can help provide you extra room for all those yummy Thanksgiving treats.
Come & See~

The table is set, you are all ready for the big day – turkey day that is, but as you begin to prep your food, you look around wondering where you are going to put it all? Sound familiar? Friends I have been there too, more times than I wish. And while we can’t magically grow more countertop space over night there are a few things we can do to make putting out that thanksgiving spread a little easier. I love this bar cart on wheels, because I can roll it out whenever I need more space.

Depending on what your hosting needs are – here are a few ideas for how to use one :
- Drink Station
- Enticing Dessert Buffet
- Snacking Station
- Coffee / Hot Cocoa Bar
- Overflow for tableware essentials

Add Seasonal Touches~
Of course, I always try to include a few seasonal touches, that will tie the bar cart in to whatever occasion we are celebrating. For Thanksgiving I love adding seasonal touches like autumn color leaves, pumpkins, and my favorite turkey that makes his appearance on every Thanksgiving.

Add Height~
Don’t forget to add pedestals and cake stands to make the most of your serving station pace. Not only does the added height make it easier to see everything, but it also gives you more real estate space to serve on.

Don’t have a bar cart? That’s fine, here are a few other ideas to create additional serving stations ~
- Folding Table
- Console Table
- Small Island
- Bench
- Sofa Table
- Buffet
- Dresser

I’ll be back tomorrow to share some of my favorite Thanksgiving table essentials with you, I can’t wait to show you what I’ve rounded up for this year!