Hello Friends!! We have been working on so many projects around our house lately. And while it’s fun to see the progress, I can’t wait to share them with you, I find there is something else on my heart today that I want to share instead. So many thoughts swirling in my head, and weighing heavy on my heart as we come to the end of yet another week, still in uncertain times. It was exactly 2 months ago to date that our kids started distance learning, and what began as weeks, has now turned into months. As the “Stay-at-Home” orders begin to lift, I find so many questions are still up in the air. So today, I’m sharing some of my thoughts on where we are at, and what to do as we begin to come out of all of this.
Grab a coffee, and join me for a chat ~

As I sit on my bedroom floor, the only place where I can find alone time these days, I hear a familiar sound. Teachers talking while Zoom classes are taking place across the hall, and behind my children’s bedroom doors. A familiar sound that I would not have expected to be a permanent fixture in our daily schedule had you asked me 2 months ago.
I’ll be honest, I was in denial in the beginning. Complete and udder disbelief that this new way of living would last 3 weeks, never mind well past May. Like many of you, I’m sure you may have had your skepticism too at how long things could really go on like this, but here we find ourselves approaching week 10, and we will finish out the remainder of the school year at home. Disconnected, apart, and with no celebrations.

With parts of the country starting to open back up, there are still many of us still very much at home, and I find myself with feeling stuck in the “in-between”. Even with some public places beginning to open back up, the question still lingers “will things ever go back to the way they were before?”.
I find myself refusing to give into the way things are now as “our new norm”, and hold tightly to the hope that things will once again be restored. I miss gatherings, and hang outs, and meeting my girlfriends for our monthly breakfast dates once we’ve dropped our kiddos off at school. My kids miss their friends – deeply, and playing sports, and being able to go to school with their community.

While I have enjoyed the societal “slow-down”, and lessoned pressure of trying to squeeze in every last commitment or obligation. My load as a mom has anything but lightened. I find I’m busier now more than ever, keeping up with school, laundry, the never ending pile of dishes as I try to keep up with my families needs. And while I find myself personally in a sort of “in-between” season (which I will share more on soon), I can’t help but feel like the rest of the world around me feels stuck in this in-between as well. Even our current weather season has felt more like we are stuck somewhere in-between winter still trying to hold on, and wondering if Spring will ever show up?
We are stuck somewhere in between social distancing and gatherings outside being socially acceptable. Stuck in between feeling like it’s safe to see friends, or for our kids to have a playdate, while others are still very much concerned at the risk. Stuck in between being able to go back to work, but finding ourselves wanting to stay at home with our kiddos. Stuck in between what to think while we watch the rest of the world begin to open up its doors, and the media continues to spread fears of it being unsafe.

I find myself needing endurance now more than ever. Endurance to keep going, when I’m not really sure just how much longer this will be. Endurance so I can encourage my kids when they keep asking when they can see their friends again. Endurance to keep showing up day after day, to meet my families needs.
Endurance to keep going while I feel stuck in this “in-between”.
I cling tightly to the hope that God is control. That he is my portion and my strength when I’m feeling rundown or that I have nothing left to give. That through spending time in journaling and reading scripture He gives me peace. And I don’t know about you, but I think we could all use a little more peace during these uncertain days.

My pastor shared a timely message last Sunday for Mother’s Day. One that confirmed a word I have been speaking to myself over and over since this whole thing began. GRACE! Her message was titled Grace & Peace, and while both are equally as important, for me it’s getting the grace I need to get through the day that gives me peace.
Even though the days feel uncertain right now, there is one thing I know for sure. We need GRACE! Not only fore ourselves but for those around us as well. Grace for the neighbors who are not yet wanting to leave their homes. Grace for the friends who are not yet comfortable with getting together, no matter how small the gathering might be. Grace for the mamas who are tired of teaching their kiddos at home, and Grace for the mamas who don’t want to leave their children to return back to their careers. Grace for our kiddos who are grieving the loss of their own normalcy and routine.
Grace is not only a gift to receive, but a gift to give as well.

We might not all agree on the decisions being made right now, but one thing is for sure the world is a much better place when we are kind to one another, show compassion in the midst of chaos, and give grace to those around us – including ourselves!
I know life feels like we are stuck somewhere in-between social distancing and returning back to the way things used to be. While I don’t know for sure what the future looks like, I hold tightly to hope I have through my faith, and pray for grace to fill my days.
If you would like to hear my Pastors message on Grace & Peace, you can do so HERE.

First time visiting your blog and so glad I did. I really enjoyed your post, and try so hard to live my life showing kindness and compassion to others. I had a follower leave a not-so-nice comment on my Instagram post the other day, and it basically destroyed me. We would all do so much better giving and receiving grace. Thank you! Going to go subscribe now!
Thank you so much Kim!!
You are such a big ol beautiful ray of sunshine each and every time I pop in on your blog. So appreciate you! Big thank you ☺️