Friends, it’s official – our kids are finally back at school and have had their first day. There were a lot of emotions leading up to this day, the uncertainties of how the classroom environment will be. All the “what-ifs” – will they like going back? Will it be weird? How is it going to be wearing a mask? And will they be able to keep up with all the new protocols or should they just stay home? So many emotions, and so my questions I have been in deep thought and spending time in prayer over these past few months leading up to their first day of school. I shared before that we live in a small, rural town, and our kids public school is open to in person teaching – which I know is not the case for many. While I did have my list of concerns and mixed feelings about the whole decision of whether to send them back or not, ultimately I have peace that we made the right decision for our family, and that is key. You should never base your decisions off of what you see everyone else doing for your family, and always spend time praying about it together as a family. With all that being said, their first day back was a success! A great success in fact, and so today I’m just sharing what I did, while my kids where having their first day back to school.

Leading up to their first day of school I shared with a friend that I had no expectations for how the day would go. Sure I was concerned about the kids first day back, but I also wasn’t sure if I would spend the day getting massively caught up on the last six months worth of work that I had to push aside since the kids had been home, chores around the house, or if I would end up spinning in indecisive circles not quite knowing where to start.

Well, I did a little bit of all that. I got some work done – which felt great! I got a jump start on some fall chores. Think “spring cleaning”, but for fall. You know the kind where you leave no stone unturned, or in this case surface undusted, because those dust bunnies have been there for far too long?!
I enjoyed a cup of coffee, in silence. Not that I haven’t been able to do that over the summer, but this time I got up from my morning cup of coffee on my terms, not because somebody needed me, or was wanting breakfast. Pancakes anyone?

I prayed. I prayed for my kids while they were at their first day of school. So many new circumstances they were heading back into this year, including taking the bus for the first time. I prayed that God would cover them in His protection, that he would keep them safe, and that they wouldn’t be anxious about anything.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

I took a bath. I know that might sound strange to do in the middle of the day, but after six months of caring nonstop for the needs of others, I took some time for me, and was intentional in my self care. With my kids being home these past six months, much of my time and effort was spent on making sure that all of their needs were being met, both physical and emotional. Leaving very little time for me to pause and refresh in the midst of these uncertain times. Taking a 20 minute bath allows me the chance to purposefully rest, while also soaking in some relaxing Epsom salts for muscle relaxation and detoxification.

I ate a salad for lunch ๐ฅ Because there have been far too many indulgences and chocolate chip cookies eaten over these past six months. And part of taking care of myself, means I take care of my body too. While I would never discriminate a baked good, or decline one for that matter, I have let far too many slip past my lips resulting in my clothes getting a little tighter, and I know for me, when I feel good in my clothes, that helps me feel better as a person too. It’s not so much about the number on the scale, but more the feeling I get when I can button my favorite pair of jeans without having to worry but any overflow on the top.
I listened to my latest book on audible, and then I took some notes, because that is how I process what I’m reading, and retain enough information to actually make changes in my life. P.S. you can see what I’ve read so far this year HERE. I’m currently working my way through “Fear is not the boss of you” by Jennifer Allwood, and it is AMAZING. More on that soon!

I know that nothing I did during my day was life altering, but I also know that going without them for too long will alter my mood and my outlook on life. Taking time to refresh or partake in some self care is not selfish or indulgent, but a vital part in our mental health that we should not be selling ourselves short on. In part, I feel like I accomplished nothing, but I also feel like I accomplished so much.
I’m sharing all of this, not because I feel like you need a rundown on what every part of my day looks like, but for the tired mama out there, it is ok to take a day off of routine, and tackle some of those other important pieces that make up who we are.

As women, I think it’s very normal for us to give, and give, and give some more, before stopping to take a moment and allowing ourselves to receive a little necessary care. I’m reminded that I’m my best self when I take time to take care of myself. I want to be operating from a place of overflow, not emptiness, and I think as wives and moms and sisters and friends we can tend to always be taking care of everyone else, and we forget to remind ourselves that it’s ok if we stop every now and then and make sure to take care of ourselves too.

I pray you do something that brings your heart joy today!

I so look forward to your posts. My children are grown, but I know about how we as women give and nurture those around us. You have a sweet spirit and I appreciate your words so much!
Your post was wonderful. You are spot on with taking the time to care about ourselves. As a “senior citizen” who raised 4 kids and who loves your blog so much, I can share witb you how important it is to “care” for yourself. It is very easy to be taking care of your family that you constantly ignore yourself. It is alright, actually very good to stop and take that all important time for yourself. Thanks Bre for reminding all the Moms, wives, daughters and sisters out there.
I loved you post, i’m retired, so i don’t have the same things in my life as you. I remember when i did and heard how we are only suppose to live one day at a time, i use to pray, help me God to be content with what i achieve for the day. Thank you and have a blessed day.
Very sweet post. Taking care of yourself is the first step in taking care of others. Sounds like you had a very peaceful day – one you needed and deserved.
Oh Thank you so much Cindy. It was just what I needed for sure ๐
Bre- I just read that psalm 4 times…I really needed it today! I’ve been feeling so anxious since last weekend for no apparent reason. Also, I’ve been meaning to thank you for your book suggestions on a post awhile back; I had never heard of Jordan Lee Dooley and found her podcast and love it.. .I just finished listening to the one with Jennifer Allwood!!
Oh my gosh, it’s so good right!!! I seriously ordered Jennifers book right after I listened to the podcast, and can’t put it down ๐ I’m so glad you enjoyed the book suggestions, and the Psalm ๐ That warms my heart SO MUCH to hear ๐ Praying for you friend that you find the peace you need for this season!