Hello Friends!
As I prepare our home for the holidays, I’m finding myself longing to be more intentional about preparing my heart this holiday season as well. Instead of feeling rushed or anxious about all of the things I “need” to get done, I’m pausing to reflect on what really matters most to me and our family this holiday season. Instead of giving myself an impossible to-do list of Christmas decorating, shopping, and commitments, I’m carefully contemplating what I allow to fill our schedule over the weeks to come. So before I share the simple touches of holiday decor I’ve added around our home this year, I thought I would first share how I am preparing not only our home, but my heart as well for this upcoming holiday season.

Life can be busy, and become even busier during this time of year. With holiday parties, presents to buy, and extra functions to go to, it’s no wonder we can start to feel tapped out, and perhaps maybe our wallets do as well. While Christmas carols play on the radio exclaiming “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”, sometimes with all the hustle and bustle we begin to ask ourselves “Is it really the most wonderful time of the year, because I’m feeling stressed more than ever.”

Over the past couple of months I’ve found that in slowing down, it’s allowed me to be more present in the day to day moments of my life. I’m able to think more clearly about how I choose to fill up my day, what gets my time and energy, and not get caught up in the craziness that can sometimes cloud our judgement during, especially during this busy season. Sometimes it can feel like we are being pulled in multiple different directions to “BUY THIS” or “BUY THAT”, or “DECORATE WITH THIS”, that we can loose sight with what truly matters most to us. We don’t need to fall victim to the worlds expectations of what the holidays should look like, but rather remind ourselves that we get to set the tone in our homes especially during the holiday season.
As women, I like to think that we are the gate keepers of what we allow into our homes. We can choose to be ambassadors of peace and joy, or allow the stress of the world to creep in, not only to our homes but our hearts as well.

When decorating for Christmas, it’s ok if you chose to only put out the decorations that feel doable. Instead of bringing out all of the boxes of Christmas decor, only put out the things that bring you joy! In years past I have totally felt the pressure of going the extra mile when decorating our home for Christmas, not leaving any surface untouched. And while I have enjoyed it, this year I’m in the spirit of keeping my peace (and sanity), and choosing to decorate our rooms with just “enough” so that it would feel like Christmas for us. That can look different from room to room, or from house to house, the key is to stay true to yourself, and decorate with what feels right for you. Not stressing about having things done perfectly, or maybe even having them all done (YIKES, did she really just say that?!?! Yes friend I did!)
Just do what feels right for you and what you have the capacity for this holiday season.
Want to know what that has looked like for me? Last year, I decided I wasn’t going to hang any garland on our staircase. It was the one spot I couldn’t wait to decorate the year before. Hanging garland on our staircase in our previous home was always a Christmas decor staple for me, but last year it felt more like added work, and less like something that would bring me joy, so I opted out of hanging garland on our staircase.

When I asked my kids what they were looking forward to most about Christmas, it wasn’t the presents, or getting more things – it was spending time together as a family, doing the same holiday traditions we do year after year. That means most of my time is going to be spent in the kitchen, baking some yummy recipes we make especially during the holiday season. Which means instead of spending all my time and energy on decorating or attending extra holiday functions, I’m gathering ingredients and saving my energy for the time I’ll spend in the kitchen baking with the kids.

Now as I prepare our home for the the holidays, I am also preparing my heart by choosing to focus on the things that fill me up and bring me joy. Being fully present in life’s moments – big and small, is how I want to savor my holiday season. Soaking in precious memories with my husband and my kids, curled up on the coach watching Christmas movies, or baking in the kitchen. Being content with what I have, and focusing more on our time spent together, and less on the things that will make me feel drained, or needlessly drain my bank account.

This Christmas, if you want to focus on the things that truly fill you up? Think back on fond holiday memories from your childhood. What comes to mind first? What were you doing? Or smelling? What brings you joy? Is it a certain song, or scent coming from the kitchen? Was there an activity you did that gave you holiday cheer. Make room for that this holiday season.

I hope you do what brings you Joy this Holiday Season ~

Beautiful Tree I love all your decorations
Simply perfection
I am in exactly the same space! Thank you!
Thank you so much for this post and your last one too
that is like it. You are so right – I’m focusing on the things we want to do and not the things we “should” do and my stress level is much lower. We’re enjoying the whole season. Hope you and your family do too!
Merry Christmas!🎄
Awww thank you so much Diane!! So glad to hear that you are enjoying the season the way you want too 🙂 I have to say this is my favorite holiday season in a long time due to lower stress levels as well 🙂
Good Morning Bri,
I understand… After life experience and a bit of soul searching, I am calling this wisdom and finding myself embracing this pervious a gift.
Capre diem!