Hi Friend!
Summer is officially in full swing here. It’s crazy to think that we are already halfway through the month of June. Halfway through the year. With summer on our doorstep, I wanted to share some of the things that I’m currently loving this time of year. From my favorite candle scents, to gardening tools, and a few other things mixed in between, this is what I’m currently loving right now!
Come and see ~

This Scent
I have yet to find a candle, with a lavender scent as fragrant as this one. The sweet smelling aroma instantly transports me when I’m buying potted lavender plants for my planters around our patio, or planting new bushes around our yard. One smell, and you would swear you just ran your fingers through a heavenly lavender plant. It’s a splurge so I try not to burn it too often, so I can savor it all year long.

This Book
Speaking of plants. I have been reading through Grace Alexanders new book “Grow and Gather” and thoroughly enjoying her year round gardening tips. She shares her tried and true gardening methods, but also her journal she keeps of her flower gardens with highlights throughout each season. Every time I pick up her book, I instantly feel transported to her thatched english cottage in the Somerset countryside 🙂

This Gift Set

When we moved into our new home two years ago, we inherited a mature landscape filled with perennials, and a field full of wild flowers. We plan to add more wild flowers to the field, along with also building a cut garden bed for myself, so I can grow flowers to cut and arrange all season long. I love the idea of documenting what you grow in your garden with pressed flowers, but also think it would make some really beautiful artwork for your walls as well.
This Hat
With gardening season is in full swing, I have had my eye on a good straw hat. With so much to do in our yard here, I’m finding the majority of my days are spent outside tending to garden beds, and working on new ones. And the right hat really helps beat that mid-summer heat.

This Show – For the Love of Kitchens
Lately I have been finding that certain shows produced by the Magnolia Network are like food to my creative soul. I felt this way when I first got hooked on the Lost Kitchen, and then again when I watched the Established Home with Jean Stoffer. There is something so inspiring to me about watching another creative person completely confident, thriving in their lane, that encourages the deepest parts in my heart.

I hope your summer is off to a great start! Our temperatures have been very mild, and wet, which I’m not complaining about, because it makes for the perfect weather to be woking outside with my hands in the dirt. I can’t wait to share some of our new outdoor spaces with you soon!
In the meantime, check out this post below where I share my Top 5 Tips for making your outdoor spaces feel welcoming and inviting ~

Happy Summer!