Before there was Pinterest and blogs, if you wanted to see more images of beautiful homes beyond just the snapshots in magazines than you would turn to coffee table books. Recently on Instagram I shared how I had heard about a follower who would gift herself a new coffee table book every year for her birthday and I loved the idea so much I decided to adopt it for myself. I think the hardest part is choosing just one, but that is also the fun part of looking forward to what book to choose for the following year. I glean so much inspiration from coffee table books, that I wanted to share my favorite coffee table books with you as well!
Come and see my Favorites ~
One of my favorite past times was browsing through my local bookstore or Barnes & Nobles, choosing a handful of books and plopping down on the floor with a stack of books, coffee in hand, and hours to flip through beautiful page after beautiful page. Pre kids, when I wasn’t working or volunteering in our church, this is how I would spend my free time. It was a much more affordable option than retail therapy for me back in my younger years, and there was just something so inspiring as I sat there and admired all the beautiful homes that were featured. I guess you could say coffee table books were my first mentor when it came to interior design. At the time it was the only affordable option I had to learn from, and fueled my love for home interiors.

While all coffee table books are beautiful in their own way, depending on the topic they can each serve a different purpose. Some I love are simply just for their stunning full page images. Others offer practical advise and how-tos. Some showcase my love for old homes, and others my love for flowers. I’ve broken them up into groupings sharing what I find inspiring from each group. These are in no particular order, and while some I would define as my most favorite, in my opinion they are all equally as beautiful 🙂
Here we go ~
Beautiful Home Inspiration

1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6.
Best Decorating Advice

7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | 11. | 12.
Flower Arranging & Inspiration

13. | 14. | 15. | 16.
Celebrating the Seasons

17. | 18. | 19. | 20.
All are saved in my Amazon Storefront – HERE, and I happened to notice that Amazon is currently running a sale on books right now as well. So whether you like to browse through books at home, or in person at a book store, I hope you find some that inspire you as well 🙂