Hi Friend!
It’s no secret around here that I love to find great deals on pretty much anything I’m in the market to buy. I love to hunt for bargains and search through clearance shelves, knowing I have stretched my dollars as far as they can go. One of my favorite places to look is on Facebook Marketplace. Most likely because of the convenience of being able to search through listings from the comfort of my morning chair with coffee in hand. I often get asked “How I find good furniture” on Facebook Marketplace, so today I’m sharing how I find furniture on facebook marketplace, with the hopes that it will help you find some treasures too!
Let’s get started!
Below each photo is the price I purchased each item off of Facebook Marketplace for.
You might be asking yourself “why Facebook Marketplace?”, and if you saw my latest Facebook Marketplace find (our kitchen cupboard) then you might have already guessed the answer. There are a few reasons Facebook Marketplace has become my first place to search for pieces, but the #1 reason I shop there is affordability. Remember I mentioned that I love to find a good bargain? Well furniture can be expensive, especially if it’s good quality. Facebook Marketplace is a great place to find secondhand pieces at a fraction of the cost. Especially on those high end name brands.

Take our new kitchen cupboard for example. When I first came across this piece, it was in a Restoration Hardware catalogue going for well over $5000. I fell in love with it, but it was completely out of my budget. So you can imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon it nearly a decade later on Facebook Marketplace and was able to scoop it up for $1200. I realize that our kitchen cupboard could be considered a unicorn piece. You know the ones that are rare and just too good to be true, but I’ve also learned over the years of searching for furniture on Facebook Marketplace what helps my odds in finding what I’m looking for.

So here are a few tips I use to find furniture on Facebook Marketplace.
#1 Add Key Words to your Search
When I’m browsing for furniture on Facebook Marketplace, the more descriptive I can be – the better! For example, if I’m trying to find a hutch. I wouldn’t just search the word hutch, I would get as specific as I can on the key words. I might use words like “antique”, “wood”, “vintage”, or “antique wooden hutch”. This helps narrow down my results and tells Facebook the type of material and age I’m looking for. Another example would be if I’m looking for a side table, I might add key words like “turned leg”, “wood”, “round”, and “vintage”. You can also use specific brand names when searching as well like “Pottery Barn” or “Crate and Barrel”. You will be so surprised at what you can find. If you see items that pop up when you are browsing pay attention to the key words other people are using to describe what they are selling. This will help narrow down your results when you are looking for something specific.

#2 Click the SAVE button
This tip is key! Even when I first started searching for certain items, I had no luck finding them. Finally, I got really specific in the search bar, and whatever popped up in my feed that was somewhat close to what I wanted, I clicked “Save.” I didn’t care if it was four hours away or the wrong size. If it was the right finish and looked similar to what I was trying to find, the more I clicked “Save.” Clicking the “Save” button tells the Facebook Marketplace algorithm (yes they have one too!) what you are looking for. The more you click “Save” on certain items, the more the algorithm knows what you want and will filter through the listings to place those items at the top of your feed. This doesn’t happen instantly, but consistency is key. This is where the waiting game becomes your friend. You just need to have patience and let the algorithm go to work for you. This is also where using specific key words when searching comes in handy.

#3 Check your Radius
Where you live can impact what you find on Facebook Marketplace. Check your radius settings, to see if it needs to be updated or expanded. Be realistic with yourself about how far you are willing to drive to pick up an item. Nothing is worse than finding a piece you love, but it being further away than you wish to drive. If you live in a very rural part, you may need to expand our search radius to areas that are more populated. Or shift your radius in another direction, like more south or more west. If you have better luck finding pieces that are further way, make a day of it! Plan other errands, or other pickups that are on the way, or near where the item is that you are picking up. Just know that sometimes you will have to drive, but you are the one who gets to decide if it is worth it or not.

#4 Check Often Buy Seldom
Similar to what you may have heard others say about visiting thrift stores, check often, but wait for the right find before pulling the trigger. I can’t tell you how many “maybe” hutches or cabinets I came across when looking for a piece to replace our kitchen desk area. There were many “so close” pieces that I could have made work, but holding out for the style and finish I was hoping for paid off in the end. While I like to check Facebook Marketplace often (sometimes daily), in reality I will probably only end up buying just a few pieces a year. Of course it all depends on what I’m looking for, size and cost, but I don’t waste my time on pieces that will require too much work or simply aren’t the perfect fit for the space I’m looking to fill.

#5 Don’t be afraid to counter offer.
I like to think of Facebook Marketplace as more of a “yard sale” site and less of a consignment shop. Don’t be afraid to barter or offer a slightly lower price. When doing this, there are two things I have found to be most helpful. Wait until the item you are interested in has been listed for at least a couple of days. People are more likely to come down in their price if the listing has been up for a few days, even better over a week! Click that “Save” button I mentioned before so you can keep a close eye on it. Secondly, be honest with them about your budget. Nothing is worse than spending more money than you wanted to (or can!) because you felt rushed and if you didn’t buy that item right then it was going to get scooped up by someone else. Facebook Marketplace can make you feel like that sometimes. If I find something I really love, let’s say it’s listed for $350, but the max I am willing to spend is $250. I will first try to wait a couple of days (people will oftentimes lower the price to help sell an item after it’s been listed for over a week), then I will reach out to them and tell them how interested I am in said piece but my max is $250 and see if they would be willing to except that. Sometimes they are, and it’s a win because you just scored a piece you were looking for at a price you can afford! And other times they aren’t – and that’s ok too. I chalk it up to it just wasn’t meant to be. Either way I can walk away feeling peace because I didn’t spend money I didn’t have.

#6 Buyer Beware
With the growing popularity of Facebook Marketplace, unfortunately so are the scams. I always do a little vetting of the buyer before inquiring about the item for sale. Things to look out for on their profile are if they have little to no information. Or if they are a Facebook member since (current year). Check their reviews or ratings on Facebook Marketplace (if possible). Pay attention to the wording on the listing. If they are asking for a cash deposit in the listing, or pressure you for money in advance – just pass. Trust your gut. If something feels off or fishy – it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I hope you find these tips helpful, and if I missed anything be sure to ask in the comments below!

Everytime you send a tour of your home, I am always amazed at how far you have come in such a short time. Your home is stunning and very welcomieing. I just love your ideas and all your furniture is beautiful and placed perfectly. You really deserve to be very proud of all your accompliments. I pin all your pictures and look at them over and over. Keep them coming Kim
Thank you so much Kim! That means so much!! Home takes time, but I’m excited to see the progress we’ve made in the short time we’ve lived here 😉
Great tips, especially the use of the Save button! Iloveall the treasures you have found.
Hi Bre!
I’m still living in exile here in Texas, but longing for New Hampshire.
I love your finds. We have a fairly new neighborhood with people moving in and out and I find. My vest buys have been in my own neighborhood. I won’t drive far as my husband is fighting stage 4 cancer. ! And just like real estate , a forced moving is a good way to find bargains.
I got 3 white bar height pleather chairs with black iron feet for $75.00 (all three!! ) a Hampton outdoor set of 2 chair with new sun safe upholstery for, 150.00 total. And the sweetest heavy metal desk lamp for .25.00 . And if course New England village houses when people were selling relatives things. This I don’t mind shipping if they are small.
Thanks for all your tips.
Hope springs is on its way…here we’ve had several 70 degree days after a week long deep freeze…crazy
Thanks, this will help. You do have some great pieces.
This post was so helpful. Do you have any ideas on selling. I get so many no shows, drives me crazy. Your furniture selections are so perfect, but I doubt I could wait 10 years for the perfect piece, but glad you found your unicorn.
Thanks Pamela! I’m glad you found it helpful! Selling can be tricky with the no shows. It happens to me too, I just try not to focus on it, or save it for people. I do feel like clear bright photos really help your listing get more attention. I haven’t tried doing any videos of what I’m selling. I do go back in and boost my listings after they have been listed for a week, sometimes that helps get new buyers attention 🙂
Thank you for all the tips. Very informative!
So glad it was helpful Kathy!