Hello Friends!!! I can’t believe we are in November already. I’m trying desperately to soak in everything this season has to offer, as well as finishing up a few projects I’ve been secretly working on around our home, before I begin to break out the Christmas decor. But I had an epiphany recently, and I wanted to share it with you. I know what you’re thinking, permission? Permission for what? But before I can give you this answer, I have to explain how I got to this conclusion.
During my recent trip to Waco, I mentioned just how amazing it was to be able to rub shoulders with some of my blogger gal pals. How refreshing it was to be away from the distractions of home, and to just “be” at Magnolia Market and soak in all the beautiful displays. Not to mention getting to hang out with the most amazing paint brand as well – Kilz! Well amoung all the excitement and chatter taking place at the Kilz booth during Silobration, I was so thrilled to meet a few fellow IG’ers who had been following me for a while, and it was so great to hug them in real life!
Honestly, I really love connecting with women in real-life! To me there is nothing more encouraging for the soul than being able to talk and hug, and really connect on a more personal level. More than anything I have a heart to encourage others. In general – yes! And of course in all things home, but also in life, in business, in motherhood, and in chasing those God-sized dreams! It’s why I shared my dream – HERE, and why I believe everyone has a greater purpose they are born with – you can catch more of that good stuff HERE! I want others to feel inspired and encouraged to go after whatever it is that they are passionate about, and not let fear hold them back!
While I was chatting with other bloggers at Silobration, I got asked a question that honestly has probably been the best question asked yet. As a blogger in the home decor platform, my niche’ can sometimes feel – well honestly – a bit saturated. I’ve shared before how I believe “There is room for you too!”, and honestly I’ve had to remind myself of that when I’m feeling a bit lost in the shuffle. There are so many amazing, crazy talented women out there, pursuing their passions, sometimes it’s hard to know how to stand out.
As I’m talking with this fellow blogger, she began asking me questions about branding, and really establishing her “look”, and mentioned to me she always knows when it’s one of my photos that pops up in her feed as she’s scrolling, even if it doesn’t have my watermark in it, or mention of my name. I was extremely flattered, but I also encouraged her that cultivating your brand and your look takes time. Yes there are some decisions that can be made overnight, like what font, and color you will use. But I’m talking more than just a logo here. I’m talking about a signature look. A personal touch, and a cozy feel. To me those are all represented in someones brand. Ultimately I feel it boils down to what you want your main message to be. What is it that you want to shout from the roof tops and encourage those around you with. It’s different for everyone, and this was not something I fully knew when I first started.
But one thing that helped me, was I began paying attention to the things I really liked, that really drew me in. And there were things I tried, that I didn’t really like so much, and that was ok too. Because it really helped my narrow in on the things that were 100% me, and that made up my brand of Rooms FOR Rent. You see it wasn’t just about creating cozy spaces and rooms filled with ideas people could “rent” for their own homes. It was a feeling, a sense of belonging, a friendship, and ultimately my signature on the message I wanted to serve to others.
What it boiled down to was I gave myself permission. Permission to be me, and not try to fit myself into someone else’s box or idea of what I thought I should be, or how I thought I should represent my look. I gave myself permission to let go of the trending fads, the Pinterest perfect homes, and the jump on every bandwagon phase (because they are out there!) and to be ok with being normal, classic, and a little bit of a traditionalist when it comes to decor, because that’s me. And at the heart of it, is someone who likes things to look nice, but not too nice because then you don’t feel welcome. I want my brand to be the best reflection of me, because there is no one else out there like it, and we all have our own unique signature!
Sure I will have things in common with other home decor bloggers, some are even my closest friends. But at the end of the day, I want to be the best representation of myself, and my goal is to bless anyone who comes along my way. It can be so hard sometimes to have courage to step out and create what you desire to share when it feels like everybody else is already doing it. There are plenty of people who do this, so why does there need to be one more? But I say YES! Do it, create that thing, because ultimately I believe it will lead you down the path to do exactly what you were created to do!
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Be who YOU are!
I remember telling our kids, The fact that you were born is proof that when God looked around he knew the world was still missing YOU.
Blessings to you!
SO true!!! Love this, and just the simple fact of being born 🙂 So great Minnie!
Wonderful post! Yes by all means we should give ourselves permission to be ourselves and to love ourselves for who we are.
Thank you Nancy!!! Just the simple task of giving ourselves permission is so freeing when we realize it 🙂