First off! I can’t believe it’s taken me a week to finally sit down and get my thoughts out on my trip to Haven?! Seriously at the same point I can’t believe I’m even writing that sentence never mind sharing a re-cap! Haven started my first year of blogging, which seems crazy, but I can remember reading about it and thinking one day I’ll go. Then the second year I wanted to go soooooo badly but we were traveling a lot that summer visiting my husbands family out west, so I watched from afar really wishing I could have gone, but it just wasn’t in the cards for me. Then last year, I thought to myself maybe this will be the year. Maybe I can finally put Haven on the calendar and make it happen? Nope.

These beautiful spiral bound notebooks were in the span bag from Haven, provided by Minted! This list maker – note taker is in LOVE!
My sister was due to have her first baby just before Haven, so my dad planned a trip to come visit with us for 10 days shortly after the baby was born, which can you guess when that was? Haven. By that point I had finally talked myself into the notion that I didn’t need to go. It just wasn’t meant to be, and while it worked out great for some people, and the connections they made, it just wasn’t going to happen for me, and that’s ok, I was ok with that. I live in NH, Haven is in Atlanta, it was a bit of a distance, so instead of wishful thinking for a fourth year, I decided to be ok with not needing to go. Then something magical happened earlier this year. I got an e-mail from the Haven team asking if I would come and be a speaker for one of their seasons. SAY WHAT?!?!?! I think I stopped breathing for a moment. I was literally speechless. For real!Not only did I have the opportunity to finally go to the conference I had been secretly admiring from afar, I was asked to speak! Talk about being excited and overwhelmed by the opportunity all at the same time! So after my nerves calmed down, and my husband told me there was no decision to make, I was going. I said yes, only to find out I got to be paired up with one of my closest blogging friends to speak with! You know, Jen from Cityfarmhouse! Hello, how lucky can one girl get. At that point I knew it was meant to be. Before I knew it we were headed to Atlanta, only to arrive on what would be a whirlwind of a weekend. I was feeling so anxious when we got in the taxi at the airport and started heading to hotel. Then as the weekend got underway I was overwhelmed by all the smiling faces and so many of you who were just as excited to meet me! It was like nothing I have ever experienced, and it touched my heart so deeply I will forever be impacted.

My beautiful blog business cards, from minted. I love the thick card stock feel, and these were exactly what I had been searching for.
I remember just about a week before Haven feeling overcome by insecurity and nerves, feeling like I would be the new kid in school that people just walked by because they already had their click of friends. That was SO not the case! I can’t even tell you how many warm smiles and giant hugs I was embraced with, and people I am a hugger! It was amazing. I still felt a bit star struck meeting some bloggers I have looked up to since Day 1, well before Day 1 because they are what inspired me to have the courage to start in the first place. You guys, having women come up to you and tell you how you’ve inspired them, or spaces they love in your home, when all along they have been your inspiration, is like nothing I could ever explain, but will cherish in my heart forever. There is so much you can learn and take away from Haven, but for me it was meeting real women, who love what they do, who pour out their beauty just as much in person as they do online, connecting and embracing one another to encourage each other and rally together.I walk away with a heart full of gratitude for this amazing experience, and am so thankful that 6 friends had a dream of a conference that is now a reality. As a blogger sometimes you feel like an island – well maybe just in NH, where blogging isn’t that popular unless you have a friend who does – all alone out there in that big ocean we call the world wide web. Friends there is a continent of women who are passionate and love doing the same things you love doing. Haven is that continent, where connections are made and friendships are built! I’ll share more on the sessions Jen and I taught next week, but I hope you feel inspired to come visit next year 🙂
P.S. And just some common reactions that I received while I was at Haven – a.) I am apparently a lot taller than everyone imagined. I’m just about 5’7 and I where heels, cuz they’re cute! And b.) I’m loud – like excited, over the top, laugh really loud type of a person 🙂 he he can’t help it!
P.P.S. Today is the last day of my summer sale over at Painted Fox, so if you’ve been eyeballing something today is your last chance to scoop it up! Make sure you use code : roomsforrent to receive 25% off your purchase!
Stay in touch!
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As a recipient of one of those hugs, I can honestly say meeting you at Haven was a dream come true. Your class was amazing. Hugs, Coco
Thanks Coco!!! It was so awesome meeting you as well!!! Such a highlight 🙂 XO
Loved meeting you, Bre! You are such a cutie {totally taller than I expected!} and have so much love for what you do and it totally comes across in your home and when I met you 🙂 Loved taking your class, too. Even after doing the design thing for so long, there is so much still to learn about my own taste and what works best for our family. It’s always a work in progress, right?!? Thank you for all the inspiration and ideas you share!
What a dream Bre. I can personally you ladies have inspired me in more ways than you could imagine. I’ve learned more about decorating in the past year than I did my entire life (and I’m a designer by trade). You’ve inspired me personally to think and dream bigger. We all get gratification from our creativity, but oh my, it must be beyond your wildest dreams to think your creativity could ever touch and change people’s lives… what a blessing and honor!
By the way, have you ever seen a movie called “The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio”? It’s a true story about a 50’s housewife who entered advertising jingle contest… without giving too much away, her journey reminds me much of the sisterhood you ladies have found. Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful post I could feel all of your emotions!! I am so proud of you!!
Hey girl I’m glad you had a a lot of fun!! Love ya gal!