Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’m so thankful for all of you that I have connected with out there in the web! I am forever thankful for your friendship and support and your similar love for decor and style! I know that Google Friend Connect hasn’t always had the best rep for a way to follow blogs, so in an effort to make it easier to connect, and so that you don’t miss anything going on over here in my little corner of the web, I added an easier way to follow along. Of course you can always follow via e-mail, and have every post delivered right to your inbox, but I’ve also added BlogLovin’ which I hope will make it easier for you, especially those not on blogger, to follow along, so you don’t have to miss out either! You will find both of these at the top of the right sidebar 🙂 In an effort to make things alittle easier around here, and to kick off my BlogLovin’ followers, I thought it would be fun to throw in a giveaway too. Will you help me reach a new number?! Once BlogLovin has reached 500 followers, I will do a giveaway on the blog, just in time for spring! Will you help me, spread the word, share with your friends! Let’s kick off BlogLovin’ with a bang! Thanks in advance for all your help getting the word out there, and as always thanks for following along with ~rooms FOR rent~ !
Follow Along via BlogLovin’ & a Giveaway!
Ok, I’ve given you one more “like” towards your goal! Great blog you have here by the way, love your header image!!