It’s no secret that this winter has seemed a bit longer than usual! I will admit it, here in New England we are familiar with winter, bitter temps, lots of snow, and drastic changes in the weather! I’m not going to lie though, I was a bit surprised to wake up this morning and see a fresh coating of snow on the ground, and the kids exclaiming that Spring is never going to come!! And although it certainly feels that way, I know it’s right around the corner. So today, while spring seems to be on pause, I am day-dreaming of beautiful outdoor spaces like these.
Last summer we finally got around to planting some flowers around here, including a row of limelight hydrangeas to create a lush hedge, like in the picture above, and I can’t wait for these babies to start popping up! Have a great day!
I am hoping that Spring will arrive SOOn too! We are in Pa. and this is quite a CHILLY Spring so far!!! My favorite bush is hydrangeas, I have several planted now. I had 15 bushes at our old house!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have one limelight in the yard and I LOVE it with all my heart.
I’d be happy with ANY of those houses! 🙂
Beautiful pictures and inspiration! I too am from New England. I was born in Mass and raised in N.H. I moved to Florida and lived there for 17 years and now I reside in N.E. Georgia. In what area of New England are you?
I really enjoyed this and got some great ideas! Thank You.
Ah! The snow this morning was quite the let down after a week of yummy, almost warm, weather. You are right NE has a way of keeping us tough, but this year was a doozie! Thanks for the beauty pics!
Love all of these gorgeous yards! If only mine could be one of them 😉
Thanks for the inspiration!