SOooooo, I have been dying to show all of you a few new updates that have transpired in our living room over the holidays! I feel like I’ve had this major secret I’ve been holding onto, and I can’t wait to share it with all of you! If you’ve been a long time follower here than you may remember my post about longing for a new sofa! It was a few years ago, and while we were searching and searching nothing seemed to fit just right, and life happens, and sometimes getting a new sofa seems a bit silly in the midst of life’s greater needs. To recap, we have had the Ikea Ektorp sofa for the past 10 years. I loved this sofa. I say “I” because while my husband never despised it, he wasn’t really ever a fan either. I can still remember the day we were walking around Ikea, and I showed him the sofa I wanted (the Ektorp) and he picked out the one he wanted, which happened to be the largest, oversized sofa I think I’ve ever seen. They don’t carry his choice anymore, but it doesn’t matter, because we ended up getting the sofa I wanted.
It was more practical for our living room needs, but his main complaint was he couldn’t really stretch out on it. My husband is not a big or tall man by any means, so for him to not feel quite as comfortable as he wanted to be while watching football, started to become my main focus. Even though we took good care of our Ektorp sofa, after years of taking the slip covers off to wash them, we lost so many of the down feathers, fast forward it started to look pretty flat. And as you can see in the photo above, there is a tear on the right hand side, and the back cushion covers started to come apart as well. We thought about getting another Ikea sofa since they have updated the inner cushions, but the hubby really wanted a sofa he could sprawl out on, my only requirement was it was slip covered, because I love being able to wash it whenever I want too! Well just before Christmas we swapped out our old Ikea sofa, for a new one! I shared this photo on Instagram a few days ago.
The feather dish towel and little brass knick knack are from Target, new for the new year, and gives a feel for the look I’m craving this year. A bit simpler, the same weathered materials, fresh greens, and a pop of metal. You’ll notice a lot of these colors already implemented in the photo I shared above of our living room last summer. So somethings will very much stay the same, but I am drawn to a more simpler look and feel for the new year, and I’ll share more about that tomorrow!
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Love that dish towel!