Have you taken your Christmas decor down? Does the house feel a little empty? Every new year, once the Christmas decor has been taken down, and packed away, I go into full blown spring cleaning mode! It’s not that I haven’t been cleaning our house all through the holidays, but for some reason once the holiday decor is put away, I go into cleaning mode. It feels so good to get purge, and get things back in order after the holidays, but once I’ve gotten rid of every last speck of dust, I always get the urge to refresh. I’m not talking about giving every room a makeover, but I do like to buy one or two new home decor pieces to start off the new year! So if you are feeling like I am, and maybe that your home is feeling a little bare, I’ve rounded up my top home decor picks for 2019!

I often get asked where I found the basket that my fiddle leaf fig planter is placed in. It was a HomeGoods find a few years ago, and every now and then I will see them pop back up in stores. But this year I found some new to stores that are so similar, I had to include them in my top picks!

For these lingering winter months, I like to pick pieces that will act more as staples, not confined to one season or another. Sometimes I will lean more towards “winter” looking decor, but I find myself craving all things fresh and new, and even though it may resemble winter outside, I want to surround myself with home decor inside that feels light and airy.
So many of these pieces are neutral, but have loads of texture. Of course you know I can’t go without a pop of green in every room, whether it’s real or faux, it adds so much life to my spaces during these dreary months.

*This post contains affiliate links for your convenience, which means I make a tiny portion of the sale with no additional cost to you whatsoever.*
And if you are thinking to yourself ” I need to go through what I have before I can even think about adding something new” – I’ve got just the post for you! Click HERE, for some easy tips on simplifying your home in the new year.

You might also like how I simplified our built ins in our living room, and cleaned up their look, shown HERE.

Pin It to save for future inspiration ~

I can’t say I enter into full Spring Cleaning mode after the holidays. I want my home to be as neat and clean as it was before the holidays arrived. I experienced a new, not so great feeling this year after the last box of decorations had been packed away. When my husband brought a box into the dining room which held the year ’round accessories and decor I use in that room, I opened it and walked away. Everything in that box looked boring to me and I didn’t want to take a single thing out, much less place it in the room. Much of it is not over two years old! We did a major makeover on the living and dining room in the Fall of 2016. Maybe I wasn’t ready to let Christmas go yet (although it was January 5th and 6th). Maybe I need a few transitional pieces to keep more of a “winter home” feel throughout these next 2-1/2 months of cold weather. Maybe, I don’t know what the solution is, I do know the house is still looking rather “naked” and cold. I’m at a loss.
Sometimes, when I find myself in those moods, I need to just leave things empty for a little bit and give my decor some breathing room. And wait until I’m really ready to put things back out, or play with my decor. It has to be when I’m feeling inspired to do so, otherwise I force it, and it never comes out the way I like it 🙂