Yesterday I shared about the importance of writing your dreams down! Regardless of how long it takes for some of those dreams to come true, I think it’s so powerful when we write them out, when we speak them into existence, and share them vulnerably with a trusted friend. I hinted before that I have something in the wings I’ve been working towards, a dream come true, and I’m so excited that today, on my birthday I get to share with you what it finally is!

I’ve shared on the blog before my story of dreaming to become an interior designer, and my struggle of feeling not good enough, and how it was my blog that gave me the courage to start my own business. I even used to sell some of my own creations at a local boutique shop, but shared HERE how it just didn’t end up being the right fit for me.
Earlier this year I shared how I’ve always had a dream of being a mom and decorating homes, and the struggles and the joy of those dreams coming together over the last ten years. Honestly, I believe that regardless of the size of the dream, we all have a God-sized dream placed in our hearts, and when we pursue them we find joy and fulfillment, because we are doing what we were always meant to do.

I’ll never forget the day I was creating a tablescape (THIS ONE) for an upcoming blog post. My husband happened to call me in the middle of taking pictures, and I said to him “If I could choose to do ONE thing for the rest of my life, it would be this!”. I love creating tablescapes, you’ve heard me mention it once or twice here on the blog if you’ve been around for a little while (LOL!). It truly is something that I enjoy. I love the details, I love to be able to change things up for each different special occasion we have, and the heart behind gathering together around the table.

After sharing a few dreams I have with my husband, one day I finally said out loud “I just want to create my own book”, he looked at me and said “About what?” and I said ” I don’t know, but I just want to fill a book with beautiful photography and encouragement so it’s inspiring to whoever picks it up”. That was all I had. I didn’t know what it would be about, I just knew that I wanted to take pictures and have them be in a book. But not just any book, not like a brief snippet like what you get in a magazine feature, I wanted this book to be all my own.

I can remember feeling so passionate about it and so silly at the same time. When I thought about a book, I told myself it wouldn’t be possible because you would have to write in it too, and I was no author. But I held onto the dream thinking of all the beautiful coffee table books I had admired in the past and thought surely something like would work. I placed my dream before God and prayed that if it was in His will that I could have my own book someday, and left it in His hands.
A year later a sweet blogging friend of mine reached out and asked if she could photograph my house for a book she was writing, and I was so honored, I said “YES” right away! Since I didn’t see any book in my near future, I thought it would be so fun to have our house in a permanent publication, such as a book vs. a magazine. They came that summer and we have the most amazing day. Her editor and a photographer came too, and I was just in love with the whole process of what goes on behind the scenes for a shoot. The styling, and the art of capturing just the right shot, all details that I truly love. It was a magical day, one filled with laughter, and just the joy of being apart of a process that ignites my soul on fire.

They left, and I thought to myself if that is the closest that I ever come to being published in a book than I am ok with that, because the day truly felt like such a gift. Well wouldn’t you know that God had bigger plans.
You see I didn’t know anyone in the publishing world, I didn’t even know where to get an agent. All things I knew you needed in order to write a book. But God knew I didn’t have any of those connections, so he brought the connections to me. Shortly after their visit, Heather (her editor), reached out, thanking me for a beautiful day and wondered if I would ever be interested in doing my own book. My eyes filled with tears, as this silent dream I had only whispered about, was now on the table for discussion with an actual publishing company!

My heart screamed, and when we were talking about ideas for what the book would be about I just kept coming back to my love for tablescapes! It was the perfect fit, I could style and photograph beautiful tables, all while sharing my love for gathering and some tips to make hosting easier while entertaining.
I’m SO excited to share with you a first glimpse of this project I have been working away on over the past year and half, and to announce that the official release date is October 1st, 2019!!

I wanted to share it with all of you, because after all, this is where it all began. Me sharing my designs with all of you, and you encouraging my heart to keep going. This book wouldn’t even be possible without you being here, so today on my birthday, I wanted to share some very special (and exciting) new with you! My blogging community that feels more like a friendship, and I’m honored you choose to be here!

It’s actually available for pre-order on Amazon now, which is totally mind-blowing, but don’t you worry I will have plenty of more details coming to you in the near future. It’s not everyday that a dream comes true, especially in the world of chasing down those business goals, so today we are celebrating, and I couldn’t think of anyone else I wanted to share that with, than YOU!

So thrilled for you, Bre!! God bless each ‘gathering ‘ the future holds for you!!❤️
I love this post! YOU are going to have a published book in October. Eek!!
You planned, wrote, photographed, styled, wrote some more. You my friend, followed God’s leading and created something absolutely beautiful, inspiring, and faith-filled. Congrats to you!! I can’t wait until it releases, the book is going to be stunning!
THANK YOU SO MUCH Heather!!! Still just in awe about the whole thing 🙂
How very exciting !!! this is amazing !!!! Congratulations!!!!!!
Thank you Terri!!
How exciting. Don’t know if I’ve ever commented on your blog but I knew your book would focus on tablescapes as I’ve been following you for a while. So I guessed it right from the beginning of your post.
I, too, have dreams of writing a book, about depression of all things, something my blog focuses on. A kind of devotional….
Anyway, enough about me. Congratulations!!!! It’s so great to see someone realize their dreams. Revel in your dream.
God bless.
Ohh thank you so much!! It feels like such a perfect fit 🙂
Congratulations, God does work in mysterious ways. As you found out!
hey girl- Congrats! This is so cool! Hope u had a great Birthday!!
What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday! Congratulations on your book! I have been following you for a while now and so appreciate your style and talent. What a blessing to see how God is giving you the desires of your heart! He is so good!
Thank you SO much Geri, I truly appreciate it!!
What an inspiration you are to me! I love seeing how God has sovereignly led you, building upon the desires of your heart to share your passion with others. Your unique version of creativity, and stepping out, so blesses my heart! Thank you for sharing in such a vulnerable way. You go girl!
Thank you so much Candy!! I really appreciate it!
Congratulations Bre! Such wonderful news! Happy Birthday!
Thank you Judy!!
Congratulations Bre…….so happy for you….I am new to your site and love everything you do and especially your Godliness…..I enjoy being creative too especially in my own home….but I have been taking care of my mother in my home for the last 9years….she is now in last stage of parkinsons and I have lost my creative ways…..your encouraging words have been wonderful to read…thank you and happy birthday…
Oh thank you SO much Karen. I am so sorry to hear about your mom, but I know what you are doing for her is the biggest gift you could ever give her. I pray that God will continue to give you strength during this season, and that there is joy and happiness throughout your days with her 🙂
Thank you so much……continued blessings to you
Bre!!!!! How exciting! I’m thrilled for you but also so excited to get my hands on that book! You are such an inspiration for us to be content with the blessings we have but to entrust our dreams to our Heavenly Father who loves us so intensely. Thank you for sharing…can’t wait to order this!
OHH Thank you SO much Marynn!!! You are too sweet, and you are so right. I feel like the moment we start trusting God with our dreams, he can’t wait to show us what will happen!
Congrats! So happy for you, dreams really do come true! Can’t wait to get the book in my hands. Love, love your blog.
Thank you so much Linda!! I’m so glad you’re here!
Gods plan for your life is more amazing than you know. I have followed you for a while. And your heart always shines through. Listen to the Lord and not others. God made you and the world doesn’t understand that concept I cannot wait to order your book. I have several girls in our family who actually are decorators by nature or by profession They would love the book so I will be ordering several. Happy belated birthday
Thank you Kathleen! I truly appreciate your kind words, and encouragement to continue to listen to God and the plan He has for me 🙂 Thank you so much!!
Best birthday news! Congratulations, we have a wonderful God who can handle all things and give us the desires of our heart. Can’t wait to see it.
Will you be selling autographed books? It will seem so personal to have your book handy for reference and having you sign it would be icing.
Thank you SO Much Sharon!! That is a great question, and I totally agree, so I’m emailing my editor now to find out 🙂 Thank you!!
I know it is going to be such a beautiful book and look forward to its publication. I hope you have had an awesome birthday.
Jackie B
Thank you SO much Jackie!!!
I am bursting in happiness for you my friend!!! Congrats!!!! This book is going to be beautiful and I cannot wait to get my hands on it! Well deserved, you are so so talented! Xo!
AHHH Thank you SO much!! It truly is a dream come true, and I can’t wait to share it with everyone 🙂
Bre, that is such wonderful news! I am so happy for you. I love your blog and what you write about your life and your decorating story.
Thank you so much Nancy!! So glad you are here 😉
Being one of those that have “been around for awhile” I have read many times how you love tablescapes. And, may I say, you do an excellent job with your creations. I am so happy for you and very proud of you!! You have worked hard for this and you are very deserving!! Also…..Happy Birthday! Hope you have many more Blessed birthdays!!
AHHH Thank you Pam!!! I knew you would remember the love and how much my tablescape passion has grown!! Thank you SO Much!!
Yay!! Congratulations!! I’m so excited and happy for you! I can’t wait to get a copy of your book. You are so talented and I love seeing your style captured in beautiful photographs. This will be a great coffee table book for sure 🙂
Thank you SO SO much!!!
Happy Birthday, and congratulations! I always enjoy when you share how much you trust in God. I look forward to reading the book.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful news!
I’m sure your book will be a great success. As I look at your blog and all the beautiful table settings and floral arrangements I am always wondering something – in every floral arrangement there is at least one flower that I don’t recognize. would it be possible to briefly note the plants/flowers that you show in the arrangements?
I can certainly try!! LOL, sometimes I’m not even sure what they are ha ha, but once the book comes out, while it is full of sources, I will also be sharing more details on the blog about each one, and will def. keep this in mind 🙂 Thank you !!
Congratulations! You deserve this!
What exciting news! I wish you all the best with your book! I always enjoy reading your blog, and especially appreciate the inspirational threads throughout. I smiled to see that today is your birthday, today is my birthday too. Good luck with the book, and Happy Birthday on this day!
Oh my gosh!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you as well friend!!! Thank you so much, and I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating too!! XO, Bre
Congratulations!!! So very happy for you! What a beautiful book this will be 😀 Thanks for sharing your great news and Happy Birthday!!
Thank you!! It truly is such a blessing to be able to share it with you all!
Congratulations! You are so talented! I cannot wait for your book to come out! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you SO much!!!