Friends, I can’t even begin to tell you how valuable and important this step is! Write your dreams down! If my list of 35 things I wanted to have done by the time I turned 35 was any indication, I’m about to give you some more proof as to why you should take the time to write those dreams down.

If you are new here I share a lot about home decor! It’s one of the things I’m passionate about, but along with loving all things about home, I’m also passionate about encouraging others to chase their dreams. And perhaps it’s because I would have totally loved reading words of encouragement in my early days of stepping out to chase mine, and I still need words of encouragement even now as I continue to chase them. I’ve shared my dream before HERE, and a whole lot of the process. You can find these posts grouped under my Dreams & Goals tab in the menu bar at the top of my blog, and I think you’ll see pretty quickly, I’m super passionate about not only inspiring others to love their homes, but to chase their dreams too, because I believe that everyone has a dream!
The other day I was cleaning out a rubbermaid bin, that had somehow been filled with a variety of things. Sometimes when I clean, I grab a tote and start throwing all the clutter in there in a fury just to get it out of site, only to then put that bin in the basement and forget about it. I admit it’s not my best quality, but sometimes the clutter just needs to go away. Among the things I found in this bin were old Christmas stockings, and some stocking stuffers (oops! sorry kids), old magazines, and a mash up of pencils, folders, and a teacup?! I told you things get tossed in there in a fury. But among those things was an old notebook.
I should first probably tell you, I love notebooks. It kind of goes hand in hand with my love for writing things down, but one of my favorite gifts ever to get or buy for myself is a new notebook. I think a lot of the way I process things is through writing, and I have journals that I’ve kept, documenting the last 15 years. So many words scribbled down of things I have struggled with paired with verses from my bible speaking truth over those situations.

This particular notebook that I found was from over 10 years ago. I started thumbing though it to see what was even written in it, and if there was anything of importance. And then I stumbled on a page dated March 4th, 2010. I put the date at the top of every entry because it’s amazing how much you can forget, and I like to remember when certain things happen. And this one surprised me!
This is what I wrote : My Dreams
- To own a home, and maybe one day build my dream home.
- To have another baby.
- To be an influence to other women around me.
- To help others.
- To have a gatherings at my dinner table.
- To continue to grow in love with my husband.
9 years ago I wrote those things down, and they have been tucked away in that journal ever since! When I look back it is crazy to see how those things have come to fruition. March 4th, 2010, was almost exactly one year to the day before we signed and bought our first house. It also happened to be the month before I got pregnant with our daughter (which was a surprise!). It was 2 1/2 years before I started my blog, and even knew what blogs were. Which also lead me to discovering tablescapes, and shined a brighter light on why I love them so much, and the gift it is to gather around the table.

I share this because I want you to know that those dreams you hold in your heart aren’t silly. They aren’t meaningless, and that they don’t have to be world-changing to be BIG dreams! Usually they are just meant to change our world, and impact those around us, but I think sometimes we shrug them off thinking it’s no big deal because it’s not like we are running for President or something. Or perhaps you do?! Whatever your dreams are, they are important, and they are YOURS.

It’s ok that they don’t look like other peoples dreams, they are your dreams, and it doesn’t matter how big or small they might seem, go chase them!
I’ll be honest, sometimes I’ve been afraid to share my dreams in fear of what others might think. Thinking that somehow the value of my dreams was wrapped up in other peoples approval, and boy was that a lie. It is so important to speak life into our dreams, and if you aren’t at a place where you feel comfortable to share them with someone yet – write them down!
Tomorrow I’ll be sharing one of my biggest dreams with you! I’ve hinted towards it, and suggestions about what I’ve been working on, and I’m so excited to share it with you my blogging friends!
I hope you feel inspired by today’s post to set aside some time to write those dreams down. Remember if your dreams don’t scare you they aren’t big enough. I always used to think that meant we had to have really BIG dreams, but sometimes the biggest change comes when we decide to stop living in fear and chase those things that light are hearts on fire!

Can’t wait!!!👏🏻👏🏻