Hello friends!! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend so far!! I’m popping in here to share some NEW chairs we got for our living room. Honestly they feel like a long lost part of the family, I know that may sound silly, but I will explain! So come on by and see our new chairs in the living room. You guys they totally feel like home!

I joked on Instagram a little while back, when I shared this view of our living room, to be forewarned that change was coming, and change it has!! So to celebrate the arrival of our new chairs, I took some photos of our living room one last time, before I start to change things up for fall.

I’ve shared on the blog before, how one of the ways the hubby and I compromise in decorating, is if there is something he absolutely does not like, I ask him to give me 30-days, and if he still doesn’t like it, than it doesn’t have to stay. Well you could say that was the case with our previous chairs.

They were bigger, and much taller, than our newer ones, which meant they covered up more of the windows. Something I was willing to live with because I liked the look, however he did not. Because of their taller height, in person they almost felt too big for our living room. So after living with them for over a year (Ooops….sorry hun), I began to look for something different.

I didn’t want to sacrifice on size, because we all love curling up in a chair! These new Elias chairs from Sixpenny fit exactly what I was looking for and SO much more!
For one thing they are nice and deep! 33.5″ to be exact! Which is awesome for curling up in!!

Another feature I love, is that they are slipcovered and FULLY machine washable!! Meaning worry-free for this mama, and that makes me super excited!

I went with the Medium Weight Linen in Jasmine Rice, and I have to tell you, I am extremely impressed with the quality of this fabric! I never thought I could have linen slipcovers until my kids were out of the house. This proves my theory wrong on every level!

It’s a super soft linen, but nice and thick, and won’t wear thin over time, and ever so durable! If there is one thing I can tell you, not all linens are made the same, the weight of the linen definitely depicts how well it will handle, and in my case that includes one dog, two kids, and my husband!

Now the only problem we have is fighting over who gets to sit in them. My hubby joked the other day well plopped in his favorite spot (the chair on the left to be exact) “What couch?! – We have a couch?” he said jokingly, but in all reality I think he was 100% serious.

At the end of the day, I had to go back to my roots. Meaning I have always loved the slipcover look. Even from my early years as a newlywed of tearing out magazine pages of ONLY slip-covered furniture.
And probably only every wanting furniture from Sixpenny! LOL, but for real, their sofas are just as dreamy!

While I loved the formal look of the previous upholstered wing back chairs, if I’m being honest I was the only one, and they just didn’t “feel” right in our home. They didn’t fully feel like us.
I needed to follow my gut, and remind myself of Tip #4 in my Knowing where to Start with your Homes Decor post. The moment we placed these new chairs in our living room, actually the moment I opened the box, I knew!! These chairs were 100% us. They felt like us. They carried the relaxed style I’m always drawn too, and know and love. These chairs feel like home, and that’s when I know it’s the perfect fit!
Be sure to check out some of Sixpenny’s amazing furniture line HERE.

What is the price of this chait
Hi Heather, you can click on the link for Sixpenny. The prices vary based off of fabric selections you can choose from 🙂