EEK! Hello Friends, I can’t even believe that I am titling a blog post with my very first book signing! When I think back on all the dreams and wild ideas I had when I started this blog, wondering where exactly it would lead me, never in a million years would I have thought I would have my own book, and now I get to have a book signing to celebrate it! Pinch me!! Let me give you all the details ~

3 years ago, I created THIS tablescape. And while I was photographing it for an upcoming blog post, something just sparked in me, like never before. While I was taking pictures my hubby called home to see how my day was going, and before he could finish his question I exclaimed –
“Fantastic! It’s going fantastic, I love this so much. If I could only create tablescapes, and style them and then photograph them for the rest of my life, this is ALL I want to do!”

I said it so confidently and proud, only to hear his response “you want to photograph tables for the rest of your life?” LOL! In short yes, but there was so much more to it. I loved being able to focus my intentions on one specific area – the table, and design a tablescape that would captivate and invite others to come grab a seat. I could get as detailed as I wanted, knowing realistically it may only last for just one evening, but that didn’t matter because what I wanted was for others to feel welcomed.

If I had known that 3 years ago, when I so boldly made that statement to my husband on the phone, that it would lead to now having my very own book all about tablescapes, and now my first book signing – I would have laughed out loud in total disbelief!
The magical thing about chasing our dreams though, is we really have no idea where or what they can lead to. The important part is that we don’t give up, and that we keep moving forward, because we just don’t know what might be right around the corner.
On Saturday October 5th, I will be at the Purple Rose Home in Northborough, Massachusetts at my very first book signing event! If you are local to the New England area, and can make the drive, I would LOVE to see you there!
I was so excited to be able to visit the Purple Rose Home last fall for their holiday ladies night, I did not want to leave, and am THRILLED to be able to go back to one of my favorite stores for this workshop event! I am so thankful to Kim and Vic for hosting my very first book signing it is going to be so much fun!

This event will be ticketed, which includes a signed copy of my book The Gift of Gathering, a workbook that goes along with the book to help plan your gatherings (this is my preorder gift right now!), along with a SWAG bag from Purple Rose Home!! There will be refreshments to nibble on as we hang out and chat, and then – because I believe everyone can create a beautiful table – I will be doing a live demonstration and creating a tablescape, talking you through my process, and how I go about creating a tablescape. Sounds like fun right?!

So grab your girlfriends, make it a fun day trip, and be sure to grab your tickets HERE! I can’t wait to see you!