I hinted last year that I was working on something special, and a few of you guessed what it was! If you were among the few that guessed “a new book” then you are right! I am thrilled to share with you my newest book – Making Your Home Meaningful, due to release this spring! This book is filled with ideas and inspiration to help you bring style and personality to your spaces. I’m so excited to share the cover of my new book with you, along with more details about what’s inside!
A Lovely Life & a GIVEAWAY!
Today I am joining in the celebration with my friend Melissa, from The Inspired Room, as her newest book is about to release! I’m not going to lie, I gasped out loud when I saw a sneak peak of the cover on Melissa’s Instagram stories weeks ago, and I knew if it was anything like her previous books, it would be filled with the most beautiful, heart felt encouragement. That’s just the type of person Melissa is. She exudes encouragement. So to help me friend celebrate her newest book, A Lovely Life, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite ways I like to savor every season in our home, and hopefully encourage you to as well! And be sure to scroll to the bottom, because there are some really fun GIVEAWAYS for you to ENTER as well!
Living Room Progress and the Gift of Home tour
aring today. If you missed Day 1, you can see it HERE, and remember each blogger who is sharing in this blog hop is also giving away a copy of my NEW book!! You can enter for a chance to win on each blog, so be sure to stop by and visit! I debated on whether I should share something I loved most about our previous home, or if I should share something I love most about our new home. Of course there is much to love about our new home, but I will be honest, none of the rooms feel quite finished yet. But I am a big believer in progress. Small tiny changes that make an impact over time, and new living room is getting so close! So today I’m sharing our living room progress, and the steps I’ve taken along the way.
The Top Most Asked Questions about my New Book | The Gift of Home
me online, and can I just tell you – what an absolute DELIGHT it has been seeing all of you received your copies, and the excitement as you have shared how much you love it 🙂 It can be so intimidating sometimes when you spend months pouring your heart into a project, in this case my book, not really sure of how others will receive it, or if they will even like it. Getting your messages assured me that I did the right thing, trusted my gut, in putting this book out into the world – so THANK YOU!! Today I’m answering some of the most asked questions I’ve received about my new book, along with some of my favorite images from the book.
It’s Book Release Day!!
book, The Gift of Home, officially releases today! It’s because of you that this day is even a possibility. I started this blog because I truly believe that home is a place you should love to be in, and I wanted everyone to feel that way in their spaces. Even the meaning behind the name I chose for my blog stemmed from knowing that I can decorate my home nicely, without having to break the bank (you can read that story HERE). I have shared so much of the process of creating a spaces to love, through the lens of using my own home with you over the last decade, that to now finally have this message published in my very own book feels like the greatest honor, and I am truly grateful that you helped make this dream a reality. So to celebrate this book release day, I thought I would share more about what’s inside the book.
Merry Christmas to You!
Merry Christmas!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday yesterday, however you spent it. I know it can look very different for many people, but I truly hope that your day was filled with Joy & Peace however you spent it! As we get closer to the end of another year, I can’t help bu switch gears from holiday mode into a time to reflect. And as I reflect I think back about all that took place this past year, I also find my heart full of gratitude for all of YOU! To have you join me on this journey, and to be able to share a portion of our lived with you is a complete honor, and I find myself so very thankful for the opportunity to be able to share, and for so many of you who consistently pop in and read what I have to say. I have a few things I’m very excited to share with you as we wind down this year, so here we go!
Upcoming Book Signing Event!
Friends, I’m so excited!! I have an upcoming Book Signing Event!! I’m so excited for the chance to get to hug and meet some of you in real life! There is nothing like getting together in person, especially to celebrate, and this is going to be such a fun event! I so hope that you can make it!
Celebrating my NEW Book & a Special GIFT for you
Hi Friends! I’m so excited to share more about my NEW book, The Gift of Home, and a special gift for you to celebrate! I started my blog from the passion that I want everyone to be able to Love the space that they call Home. Not just the ones who seem to have a knack for decorating, or don’t seem to struggle with putting a room together – EVERYONE. In my new book I share a lot of my own personal journey in decorating, from the time I was a little girl, to a young adult trying to find my style. For me I never fit into just one decorating style so I always felt like I just didn’t fit in. Until I realized that your true style is one that reflects your own personal style. And that friends is a style that can never go out of style or be wrong.
The Gift of Home | My NEW Book!
Hi Friends! I am so excited to spill all the details with you today on my NEW book coming out – The Gift of Home. In case you hadn’t heard I wrote another book! Can you believe it? I’m still marveling over the first one, and to now have a 2nd book baby coming out into the world – somebody pinch me please, because never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever write a book, let along TWO!! This book also feels a tad sentimental because I wrote it while we were still living in our last house. At the time I was writing it I didn’t know just how soon we would be moving, and I feel so thankful to have this keepsake from the house we spent a decade living in and growing our family.
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