Hello Friends! Today I’m pretending like you and I are sitting down with a cup of coffee. I’d say on my couch in my living room, but since we are all supposed to be social distancing right now I’m thinking that would be considered taboo? So we are just going to have a virtual cup of coffee together instead, and I’m going to imagine we are chatting just like I would be with my closest gal-pal about all the struggles of being home right now, and what I’m doing to stay sane. I came up with 5 things I’m doing right now during social distancing, and hope this helps you as well!
Check it out ~

First, in case you don’t already know this about me – I am a homebody. Yep! I love being at home, but I know that is probably not a complete shocker. So is my entire family. My husband and our kids are homebodies too, which kind of makes this social distancing thing easy-peasy for us. What makes it difficult is while I love being home with my family, I also love the 7 hours of quiet time I get Monday through Friday while everybody is out of the house at school and work. My husband is still able to go to work since his job falls under “necessary jobs”, and we are extremely thankful for that. But our two kids are now home full time since schools are closed, leaving this extroverted-introvert no time to recharge her batteries 😛
So here’s 5 Things I’m doing to help keep my spirits up ~

My Morning Routine
I’m not going to lie, when we found out there was no school last week the thought of sleeping in sounded oh-so-delightful, but what I’ve realized now with kids home 24/7, is that I need those quiet moments in the morning now more than ever. This could have been an easy one to let go of during this season of being confined to our homes, but I like structure. I like routine, and that means I’m a happier person when I keep my morning routine in place, even if we no longer need to be up and at’em to get the kids off to school. It gives me quiet time to reflect and collect my thoughts before my day begins, which is something I desperately need, now that I am no longer have quiet moments during my day.
If you don’t have a morning routine – get one! I can’t tell you how much happier I am when mine is in place. And I am happy to share mine with you to give you some ideas as well 🙂

I Make My Bed
It sounds silly right. But recently I was sharing with a friend how I used to beat myself up over not feeling productive enough with my days. I could literally be working on multiple different projects or assignments all day long but still feel discouraged that I didn’t accomplish anything that day. Since a lot of what I do carries through from day to day, I wrote down a few things I could finish in a day that would help give me a sense of completing a task. Nothing feels better than crossing those to-do items off of your list, so everyday I make my bed. I literally write it down everyday on my list of what needs to get done for that day, and everytime I make my bed, I cross it off my list. And you know what – it works! I actually started feeling more productive when I got serious about making my bed every morning. It’s one of the things I can do every single day that helps me feel like I was productive that day.
And during this time when we are all staying home, I can’t think of an easier task we can all do to help ourselves feel more productive about the day.

Limiting Screen Time
It’s easy to get lost in the scroll, especially when we have new found free time on our hands. In the beginning of the year I set a personal goal for myself – to read 12 books this year. I started reading more last year as a way to invest in my personal growth and betterment, and learned so much in the few books I read that I wanted to keep the learning going as we kicked off 2020. So far I am on book #3, and one of the things I’ve noticed with this is by spending a little time reading everyday I feel more refreshed. My mind feels refreshed, because of new ideas just stirred up by what I was reading, and I wasn’t zoning out in front of a screen. I’ve learned that I feel more replenished, when I allow myself to refresh off of screens. Meaning I’m turning to FaceBook to scroll for an hour, instead I’m picking a book and learning something in the process. This helps me limit my screen time, which means I’m also not consuming all the added media that is being published right now about the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s easy to let worry and fear take over when the majority of what we are inputing is negative.
If you are finding yourself struggling with worry or fear, try limiting your screen time, and doing something that refreshes your mind instead.
I also shared a post on how I stay Thankful, even during this season of uncertainty. Click HERE to read more.

Keep up with the Dishes
A cluttered surface can lead to a cluttered mind. I will be honest, I can get a little grouchy when the house is constantly messy. I do ok for a little bit, given the fact that we do live here. I don’t need things to be perfectly in place all the time. But one sure fire way to make the walls feel like they are closing in on me is a consistently messy house, and more so a messy kitchen. Especially since I am now making 3 meals a day with the kids home full time. Yes, we are making more dishes right now, so it takes more effort to keep things clean, but I am a much happier mama when I keep up with the dishes and the sink stays clean. Things feel less chaotic, even when we are all cooped up inside, which makes it easier for me to stay calm and peaceful. Instead of being on edge because of the mess in the kitchen is getting on my nerves, I can be more peaceful and cheerful, which is something my kiddos need most right now from their mama 😉
As moms, we can set the atmosphere in our homes. When we are on edge everyone can feel it. So if you are happier when things are neat and tidy, spend some time tidying up your spaces today, so that you can be in the best mood possible for everyone else in your home.

Go for a Walk
Another thing I started to do in the beginning of this year was going on regular walks. I needed something that I could do that got me away from laptop and out of my everyday surroundings. I set a timeframe for it, and put it on my calendar so that I made sure it happened. It’s been so refreshing to get outside and take a walk. It naturally helps me de-stress. I can clear my head, process through ideas, get some fresh air, and recharge my batteries. Not only do I enjoy it, but the dog does too! She holds me accountable, because now she has become accustomed to these little nature walks of ours. During the week I would go by myself, but on the weekends I invite the kids and the hubby to come with me. Incorporating a walk into my schedule
These walks are something we are all enjoying, especially right now while all of our days are spent at home. It’s been so beneficial for our kids to be able to get outside and stretch their legs as well.

Some of these things that I put into place over the past year really help me stay on track, and now more than ever, when the days start to blur together, they give me a little sanity and help me keep up with our routines.
I hope you find these helpful, and perhaps there is something that you can incorporate into your day right now too.

Spring finally sprung in Tennessee this week and though it is Day 20 of Isolation Order, the joy I felt laundering and lavender-starching my spring green toile French bed linens and making the bed every day has been a simple source of bliss! My Chocolate Lab peers around the corner tilting his head as he watches/hears me offer a prayer of thanks while fluffing the covers. Simple pleasures restore the soul and bring order to our perspective, don’t they?
A reading recommendation for mood-lifting is any book written by Atlanta author Mary Kay Andrews. They are funny, full-spirited stories of women that she manages to weave her love of decorating, antique-picking, and cooking coupled with a little mystery.
Thank you for your blog efforts, Bre! Much appreciated.
Thank you so much Nan!
We live in neighboring MA and have been practicing many of the things you mentioned today. We are retired teachers and have been married for 46 years. We have a morning routine which involves eating breakfast, cleaning dishes and counters. Cannot stand dishes in the sink!! Bed is made every day. Laundry is started while we go for a long walk. We live near a state forest and enjoy it thoroughly all year long. We have been there on cross country skis, snowshoes, bicycles and, of course, walking. We are so lucky!
Since retiring I have been going to my daughter’s to take care of our grandchildren. Both she and her husband are in education. Grandkids are getting older, but I still get our grandson on the bus. Granddaughter goes to school with Mom. Since schools have been closed my routine has changed dramatically!
Since we have a stay at home policy, my husband and I have been busy. Painted our kitchen, organized recipe my box, raked a good part of our yard, cooked some delicious healthy meals and have even put the rockers on the front porch!! I look forward to your posts!
When I went to Walmart for groceries, I picked up 14 of their $1 tulips. They’re ready to plant so I planted them in our mailbox planters.! I figured that while I’m at home, I could still make things pretty! They’re still in bud stage but in a few days we’ll have color – and I only spent $14 to fill both sides!!!
I LOVE this!!! You are so right, and what an awesome idea!! It’s so true that while we are home we can still make the best of it!!
What a blessing! Our children and granbabies are all on their own. Treasure the time you have with yours even though it might seem a little “crazy” right now. If we really try to see it….there’s always a hidden blessing in our trials. This time will pass….let us learn the lessons in it…slow down, cherish your family, and remember God IS in control no matter the chaos around us.
YES! I completely agree with you 🙂 I keep thinking our kids aren’t going to remember the virus, but they will remember all this time we had together and what we did with it 🙂 Blessings to you as well!
OMG we sound like twins !! Thank you so much for the encouraging words, you have given me some great ideas !!
YAY!!! So fun!
Good tips. Making a list is something I’m going to do.
Thank You