Happy weekend friends! Mother’s Day is tomorrow, can you believe it, and as I type this there is currently snow falling as I look outside our dining room window. Not quite the Mother’s Day weather I was hoping for, especially since I ask for plants every year for Mother’s Day, and love to do some gardening, but thankfully it will melt fast. With it being Mother’s Day this weekend, I wanted to share 5 ways to refresh as a mom, because I think now more than ever, we all are in need of a little pampering.
Come and see ~

Sometimes in parenting we can go through hard seasons. Ones where the demands and pressure don’t seem to let up, and leave us feeling exhausted and weary. When these hard times hit, sometimes all we need is a gentle reset to remind ourselves who we are as women, and that we are exactly the kind of mother that our kids need.

One of the ways I refresh is by taking a walk. I shared more about it HERE, but it really has become something that the kids look forward to right now too! However, the last 3 weeks we haven’t gone a walk, so this is one thing that is a must for tomorrow! Not today, because remember – it’s currently snowing.

The trails that we walk on are something that gives me peace, refreshes my mind, and brings me joy! The same is true for my kids as well, and so tomorrow we are going to do something all-together that brings us joy!

The best part about these 5 ways, is they require NO MONEY! You don’t have to go out and spend money to refresh, in fact these are all things that I try do on a weekly basis to keep my heart and my mind in a healthy state!
Looking for more mom inspiration, you might like these posts below ~
5 Things Motherhood has Taught Me

And don’t forget to check out my Mother’s Day Gift Guide ~ it’s not too late!