Well, I am so excited about this one. Love the transformation that has taken place over here. So let's just get to the before and after :BEFOREClose up of this lovelinessAFTERThe lovely and very talented Annette Beliveau drew these for me.A pumpkin drawing of Dannika (above) & Carter (below).Love having personal accents. Thank You =DNo more weeds, no more cracks, all one color. I love how it dresses and cleans everything up. So happy with such a dramatic transformation. Who knew black could be so lovely. Can't wait to switch out the screen door for something more farmhouse like that I can paint black as well. It's hard to see, but I did paint both of the doors black too, will do a ... Read More about Painted Porch Reveal
Painted Porch pt.1
OK. Can I just tell you how excited I am over here. First of all we are having the most gorgeous weekend in Oct. ever =D It is simply beautiful out, and I mean I'm sitting in shorts and a tank top and there is a beautiful breeze, it's lovely. Well towards the middle of last week (when I became aware of how nice the weather was going to be for the weekend) I thought to myself if you want to get anything done outside, NOW is the time to do so, because it's just going to get cold from here on out. SO, I thought long and hard, and couldn't shake the idea out of my head of wanting to paint out farmers porch. Now before you all go "ohhhh" there really isn't much to it, just 5 posts and a concrete ... Read More about Painted Porch pt.1
No money, No problem
So the other day I was walking around the house really wishing I had some stuff to decorate for fall. And since the decor and the funds for it are lacking, I decided to get creative and use what I already had. Nothing special, but just changed things up a bit. With this in mind, I'm hoping that towards the end of the season I can go and snag a few items at 75% off for next year, but on to what this year is looking like :)So I started with these bad boys :The vases I got from Ikea 2 yrs. ago, and pretty much everything else I have had for about FOREVER.I filled the vases with the wine corks, and centered the candles, and then wrapped the twine around the top of the vases until I got the ... Read More about No money, No problem
more in the pot!
Head on over to 'In the Pot' to check out this weeks crock pot yumminess =D And don't forget to share your favorite crock pot recipe as well. Thanks~BDD ... Read More about more in the pot!
Painting Stripes
So I've been gushing over these horizontal stripes for a few years now. I would always drool over them in photos, and just typically liked them for being so different then just vertical stripes. I had wanted to try out painting stripes before, but with the pending move always an option, I just couldn't find the motivation to do this project in our old apartment (which you can see HERE). So, as we have settled into our new house over the past few months, I have been dying to try them out. Here are a few photos that really got the idea stuck in my head as something that I just HAD to do :) Before Let me take a min. to introduce you to my project manager, Carter. I'm really ... Read More about Painting Stripes
Crock Pot Sundays
SO, as of yesterday I decided to take a sunday challenge. To make a crock pot meal every sunday.Yep, that's right, every Sunday from now until St. Patrick's Day, there will be a crock pot meal going on over here. Why, you ask? Because I don't know about you, but Sunday is the last day I feel like cooking. After getting everyone out the door and to church, and then getting asked the dreaded question on the way home "what's for lunch?", by the time we pull back in the driveway, I'm ready for a nap myself, never mind having to put forth energy and cook something. UGH. So, after such a success with yesterday's meal, featured HERE, and thinking what meal in the past hasn't come out fantastic ... Read More about Crock Pot Sundays
Fresh Updates
So with September right around the corner, I decided to designate it as project month. For most people around here when the season starts to change, we try to get all the little things we want done before the snow flies. So with fall knocking on our front door, I decided to be proactive and start now, instead of procrastinate as my husband would describe it. I don't know if you are like me in this department but I love magazines! It's like a little vacation for me without having to go anywhere. My husband always cringes when we get to part of our shopping trip that brings us to the checkout line. He knows that once that little piece of heaven called the magazine rack comes into view I'm ... Read More about Fresh Updates
Here we Go!
Well, Here we GO!My first blog, still trying to figure everything out, but wanted to create a space to share my design likes, ideas, decorating, recipes, my family life, and basically everything that we are up too. Bare with me as I fumble through all of this, but hope to soon have a successful blog running. I enjoy feedback, so please feel free to leave a comment on something you like, love, or peaked your interest. Check back for more updates as I get this thing off and running!~BDD ... Read More about Here we Go!
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