Two weeks before Christmas I decided to paint our living room. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but I had been contemplating doing it for a while. I always say that paint colors are a personal choice, and I was craving something a little cozier for our living room. While I will still say that white is my favorite color to paint a room, I was ready for a change after having white walls in our current living room (and at our previous house). So today, I’m sharing the official reveal of the new paint color in our living room.
My Go-To Painting Tools
I don’t think it’s much of a surprise around here for you to know how much I love to paint. Not only is it my favorite most inexpensive way to transform a room, I also thoroughly enjoy it. Like really enjoy painting, lol. For me it’s therapeutic. I love to grab my paint brush, put on a good audio book or podcast, and getting lost with my thoughts. However, I know painting isn’t for everyone, but I also know that having the right kind of tools can help make the job go a whole lot smoother. So today I’m sharing with you my go-to painting tools. These are my tried and true first picks. The tools I reach for every time I go to paint, and I’ve rounded them all up in todays post.
New Paint on the Barn Door
Hello Friends!! I shared in my stories on Instagram last week, that as I wrap up taking pictures of our house for my next book, due to out next fall, I’m sort of at that point where I’m ready to cut some bangs. And by bangs, I mean that feeling you get what you’ve just ended a relationship, or had broken up with someone and you want to cut all your hair off! Except in this scenario – the relationship is with my house, and instead of scissors in my hands – I have a paintbrush that’s armed and ready to go. So today on the chopping block is the barn door in our kitchen!
My Go-To Trim Paint Color
I often get asked what color our trim is painted throughout our house. It’s not secret, I love really bright, large white trim! It feels so crisp and so fresh, but knowing what color to paint trim can be tricky when you want to achieve this look. But I’ve figured out a way that takes the pressure off of trying to decide which white paint color is “the” white paint color for trim. In fact, I’ve done this time and time again in our own house, so today I’m sharing my go-to trim paint color.
Painting Shiplap
Hello friends! I shared a little project I’ve been working on this past month – my husbands NEW office space! We are in the home stretch of this project, and it’s so exciting to see it all starting to come together. As promised, I’m back to share some tips on painting shiplap. While I have done lots of painting before, this was the first time I painted actual shiplap, and wanted to share what I learned with you.
DIY | Lime Wash Lamps
If you caught my spring mantle yesterday, than you may have noticed the addition of a new table lamp on my buffet in the dining room. I mentioned that the white lamp we used to have in the dining room, is now in the kitchen on the antique dresser. I used that lamp in our dining room on our buffet quite frequently, so I needed to replace it with something quick. I decided to give some older lamps a little makeover, so today I’m sharing just how I did that.
Paint Colors around our Home
Over the next month or so I’m in the process of updating all the sources and Main home tour for the blog. It’s been seriously neglected, and I’m embarrassed to say that the last “official” Home Tour I have on the blog is from 2015! Yikes!! So I’ve been working on categories, and this is the next step. One of the most frequent inquiries I get is about the paint colors in our home. I will be creating a separate page just for the paint colors in our home, and be sure to tell you once it’s up and where it is located, but in the meantime I wanted to give you an updated post of paint colors around our home, for anyone that has been curious.
Kitchen Shelves Makeover
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have caught a sneak peak of a little makeover I did towards the end of last week. As I was settling back into my routine here at home after my trip to Waco, I finally got the nerve to see if I could give my kitchen shelves a little makeover. It was like my brain needed a little break, as it was still processing all the wonderful things from last weekend, and a little DIY was just what I needed. I had been contemplating giving our kitchen shelves a makeover a few times before, but just never got up the gumption to tackle it. Well, I did! And I think you will love the outcome!
New Darker Paint Color in the Dining Room
I took the plunge. I pulled the trigger, and I didn’t look back, and you want to know what?! I am LOVING it!! If you caught my post last week, than you probably already know what I’m talking about. I shared how I was contemplating a few different dark shades of gray-navy blue, and how honestly I had been wanting to paint this color for over a YEAR! Yes you read that correctly, over a year! While I’m happy to say, I made a choice, I took the leap, I went for it, and I LOVE it!! Yep, it’s true! I painted our dining room, after debating to do it for over a year, and I love the new darker color! Take a look!
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