YEP! I know some of you are probably going “Whaaaaat?!” right about now. Friends we sold our dining room table, and bench I might add! If your asking yourself why in the world would I do such a thing like that, allow me to recap while I share some of my very favorite photos of our dining room table with you. Sort of like a good bye tribute, because lets face it, I loved our farmhouse table, that we built, but it’s time to move on.
I loved our dining room table. I mean after all it was a collective build, and one of our first together. I drew out what I wanted it to look like, and my husband constructed it, and then I painted and stained it custom to what I wanted. I revealed it HERE on the blog, and it was the final piece that really made our dining room feel like “our style”. What a great feeling that was, never mind the sense of accomplishment we both had.
About a month or so ago I started putting together a pile of decor items, and other things around our house I no longer had a need for. Some things were from our first place, or things we compiled along the way. Some things I was just over, and I really wanted to “lighten” the amount of things we had. I set everything up like if I had my own little shop and invited a close group of friends to come and pick to their hearts delight!
It was so much fun, and even more fun was how great it felt to see so many women leaving with new treasures, and how much less STUFF we had. I feel like this year has been the year of the purge. We celebrated being in our home for 6 years this past spring, and guys I had boxes that hadn’t been touched since we moved in. I’ve cleaned out every closet, every junk drawer, even the basement! Really narrowing it down to only keeping the absolute things we need, and if we were to move again, what I would want to take with us.
After my little “shop” night, I guess you could say I was feeling energized to get rid of even more, lol! I put together a few boxes of things I wasn’t even interested in trying to sell, and off to Goodwill they went. Slowly but surely the few items I had leftover were gone from the shop night were gone too. And it felt so good! I had been contemplating for awhile about ideas of a different table in our dining room, but never voiced them out loud to my husband.
Then one day while we were talking on the phone, in my excitement of getting rid of things, I asked him if he were attached to our dining room table? Or if he was ok if I sold it?
And just like that, she’s gone! Even though it happened kind of suddenly, it was a decision that had been thought about for well over a year. Once I started contemplating the idea of something different there really was no going back from there. And once the hubby gave his approval, it was gone the next day.
Even though my husband gives me free reign to decorate however I like, I always take him into consideration when it comes to making BIG changes in our home, including larger pieces of furniture. It’s important to me that he feels like he has just a much a say as I do when it comes to staple pieces in our home 🙂
I’ll be back tomorrow to share some of my favorite farmhouse tables with you, and plans for what’s coming next!
Stay in touch!
May I ask where u got the rattan end chairs?
Hi Meg, the rattan end chairs are from Ikea 🙂
I would love to see what a partially empty closet looks like. You’re inspiring me to just let it ALL go.
Respect for each other is a very good thing in a marriage. Sometimes we just need a change and i am anxious to see what you have in mind. I love your home.
Good for you! Can’t wait to see the new set.
Oh how I wish you would of taken a picture of your set up for your sale night.!
What a neat alternative to having a garage sale. If you ever do this again please make a blog post about it.
You got it!! 🙂
I have been married for 46 years. You will not believe the “stuff” I have in this house. When we did our second floor over, I did get rid of a lot of things but I have so, so, SSSSSOOOOOOO much more. I think I have to start being ruthless and pare down our decor. I’ll let you know how I make out.