Hello Friends! Today I’m excited to share details about a new project I have been working on! The hubby’s NEW office space! I know I’ve never really shared before about what my husband does, other than when his handy skills come into play for a project that we’re working on for around our house. Now I finally get the chance to create a brand new space for him at work, and I’m thrilled with the chance to work on creating a space that isn’t geared towards the home. I’m sharing all the details of the new work space I get to create for my hubby’s new office!
To give you a little back story, my husband owns his own Chimney company. It started as a family business, and he has been running the company for the past thirteen years, and recently became the sole owner two years ago. With the company growing, more office space is a must, so for the past month we have been working on the building where his new offices will be. I’ve had a hand in designing the entire space, which I will share with you soon, but it all started with my plea to design his new office.

Honestly, I couldn’t wait to get started on designing an office space instead of a home. The idea of taking on more of a commercial project was challenging, and even though it’s for my hubby, I was ready to stretch my design wings a bit, and try my hand at something that was a bit more modern and masculine, all while feeling just as cozy as home does.

So today I’m sharing the Design Board I created for his new office, and I can’t wait to share the full office reveal with you soon! This has totally been a labor of love, while my hubby graciously always comes to my rescue, I wanted him to know that his new office renovations where in good hands, so he could rest assure and continue to focus on the business. So I have been overseeing and handling the renovations since we started – i.e. which means painting, and staining, and painting some more during the days over the past three weeks to get this new office space ready. We are nearing the finish line, and it’s so exciting to see things finally come together.

I’m happy to tell you that the walls in his office are painted, the shiplap is up and has been painted. And what a process that was! I will be back tomorrow to share some tips on how to paint shiplap in case you have been wanting to add some to a space in your home.

I love the impact it makes in this space, and we are actually adding unfinished (raw wood) shiplap in the reception area, and I will be staining it a combination to give it a weathered barn wood look, and will be sure to share the process for that as well.
Stay tuned for more progress and the final reveal, we have really turned a corner over the past week. The floors are almost completely installed, and I will be finished with all the painting by the end of this week!

It will look amazing! He is lucky to have your expertise:) I love your blog!!!
OHH Thank you Barbara!