Hello friends!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend !! I’m so excited because today I get to share a special announcement with you all!! It’s something I’ve actually known about for quite awhile so I can’t believe that the day is finally here where I get to share it with the world! It feels like the arrival of another member to family – my book family that is. I shared in my recent Coffee Chat post that I had been working on a few fun projects behind the scenes, so consider this special announcement #1!!
Guess who had a baby sister?!?!?

That’s right – The Gift of Gathering has a NEW baby sister! Well that’s what it feels like anyway, so that’s how I’m referring to the newest member to my book family! I’m so excited to share with all of you my BRAND NEW PLANNER!!
That’s right – I wrote a planner, and it completely coincides with my book, The Gift of Gathering!

I actually came up with the idea when I was helping my husband paint his new office space. I tend to get the best ideas when I’m knee deep in another project, and usually it involves painting. It must just be the perfect combination of a repetitive enough task, that also feeds my creative soul. In this case I was painting, and I started thinking about how I wanted my book, The Gift of Gathering, to bless people, and inspire them to create meaningful gatherings of their very own.
As I was thinking through these thoughts, I started hearing common questions I would get in my head. “I love hosting, but just don’t know where to start?”. “How do you plan out all the details to get a beautiful completed look like you do?”.

Then my wheels started spinning. I know I shared some of my story in the book, about how I was grew from being a last minute planner, to a well prepared host with time to space, but that transition didn’t happen over night.
Nope it took lots of practice, and plenty of well thought out details that took place ahead of time! I’ve always loved planning events and gatherings with our friends and family, and then the lightbulb went off!
“What if I put together all of my tried and true planning ideas that others can use as well?!”
“That way others could plan a gathering with the ease and confidence I have gained, without all the years of learning from mistakes.”
And thus the planner was born.
The list-maker and planner in me LOVES to write things down! As much as I love technology, and the ability to jot notes down on your phone in a hurry. Nothing satisfies my soul more than putting to pen to paper. Not only do I love to write lists, but I also love to journal. So I wanted the planner to not only serve the purpose to write down quick notes, and plan out your menu, but I also wanted it to pretty enough that you could go back to and use it over and over again.
There are so many features included inside the journal that I can’t wait to DIVE into the pages with you! But for now, I’m just so excited to share this fun new member of my book family with all of you, and be on the look out for more details COMING SOON!

Silly auto correction! My phone got mad juggling between English and Italian 🤦🏻♀️ I meant “Hello Bre” but it wrote “hello to you” (in Italian) 😉😘
Hello a te, just ordered the book and the planner. I look forward to reading through and eventually use it. We need so much to be back to a normal and happy social life! Thank you xx ML
So excited for this. I have already pre ordered on to give and one to keep.
So enjoy your blog!
OHh thank you so much Becky !!! Your support means the world to me 🙂