Hello Friends!
Merry Christmas!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday yesterday, however you spent it. I know it can look very different for many people, but I truly hope that your day was filled with Joy & Peace however you spent it! As we get closer to the end of another year, I can’t help bu switch gears from holiday mode into a time to reflect. And as I reflect I think back about all that took place this past year, I also find my heart full of gratitude for all of YOU! To have you join me on this journey, and to be able to share a portion of our lives with you is a complete honor, and I find myself so very thankful for the opportunity to be able to share, and for so many of you who consistently pop in and read what I have to say. I have a few things I’m very excited to share with you as we wind down this year, so here we go!
Grab a hot beverage and join me ~

#1 – It feels so crazy to think that after months of waiting, we are just about ONE WEEK away from my NEW book, “The Gift of Gathering”, coming out into the world! My next book releases on Tuesday, January 4th, which also happens to be my husbands birthday, so it will be an extra special day to celebrate! Since this book is about the gift that I believe Home is meant to be for all of us, I dedicated the book to him, and our two children.

For those of you who have already Pre-Ordered your copy – THANK YOU! Not only do you get to enter the GIVEAWAY for preordering the book before it releases, but it also shows so much support for my dreams of writing books, by showing that other people are interested enough in what I am sharing to buy it. Every Pre-Order through Amazon, shows other stores that there is interest in the book, which will hopefully have other stores carry the book as well.
You can read more about the special Pre-Order offer HERE.

OR visit – giftofhomebook.com to claim your FREE Home Decor Color Guide, and enter for a chance to win a new sign for your home. Click HERE to Enter.
#2 – With the release of my next book, I have my first book signing scheduled for 2022!! I will be at Purple Rose Home, in Northborough MA, on Saturday January 8th signing books and hanging out for the afternoon. If you are local to the New England area I would love for you to stop by and say Hello!

RSVP for my first Book Signing of 2022 HERE!
You can RSVP to the book signing, so my friends at Purple Rose Home can plan accordingly on Facebook – HERE. If you don’t have Facebook, feel free to leave me a comment below and tell me you’re coming. I would love to see, and possibly meet some of you for the first time, in person that Saturday as we celebrate together my new book!
#3 – With the holidays now behind us, we have a few winter projects lined up for our new home. I have been working on a few subtle things behind the scenes that I will be sharing with you over the next couple of weeks.
Remember when we added curtains to our Living Room – shown HERE.

I started working on giving our barstools a bit of a makeover, as well as creating a cozy seating area in front of our fireplace, with some new chairs I ordered earlier this fall. And you know I have some painting projects up my sleeve to get us through the next couple of winter months.
Our mudroom is on the top of my list for a little makeover as we kick off the new year!

Along with finally sharing the tutorial video on You Tube for how I refinished the hutch in our dining room.

I’m so excited to share more with you as we kick off another new year together, and just want to say THANK YOU again from the bottom of my heart for all of the love you show me throughout the year, with your support of being here, and interacting through my blog and social media accounts. You have no idea how much that means to me, and Thank You just doesn’t seem to do it justice.
I pray that as we wind down the year, your heart is filled with encouragement as we reflect over the past year, and look forward to the fresh start that can come in 2022.

Can’t wait to see all that you have planned for your new house in 2022! You’ll have to write another book! I would love to meet you at your first 2022 book signing, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to. Happy New Year, Bre!
Congratulations on your new book!
Thank YOU!! I have followed you for many years and have enjoyed each and every second of it! Thanks for the inspiration, joy, and love you have shown us!! Happy Holidays! I can’t wait to read the new book and to see all the goodies happening in the new year ♥️
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I sure hope my book arrives on release day. I am excited to read it.