Hello Friends!
It’s hard to believe we are already more than half way through January, but here we are. I hope your New Year has been off to a great start. I was recently chatting with a friend, and sharing how rested and content I feel during this season, and even though we are in the dead of winter, and this time of year can sometimes feel gloomy and pointless. I feel joy and peace present in my life. Previously I shared how I give our house a clean slate at the beginning of every New Year. I’ve realized how much my brain longs for a break at the start of the new year, and how allowing myself a moment to sit in the bare space in between is so beneficial to not only for my home, but for me as well. Over the past few years I’ve noticed that I instinctively return to the same couple of things as I begin to start another new year. So today I want to share my process with you and how I start the New Year.
Let’s kick off the New Year together ~

#1 Get Back into Routine
First – I am a person who loves routine! I thrive in the structure of having certain things set in place that I do everyday. It brings me peace, and helps me feel more productive to tackle the rest of my day. When I am in routine, I am more likely to accomplish tasks, rather than waste time wondering what I should do next. Sometimes these routines can fall to the wayside with the busyness of the holidays. So it’s no wonder by the start of the new year I’m craving to get back into routine. I re-establish my morning routine – which is also known to catapult productivity throughout your day, and lower stress. For me, I feel more grounded as my day begins, and things start off on the right foot. Another routine I get back into is going on daily walks. I shared with a friend of mine this past week, that I’m more intentional about walking in the winter than during any other time of the year.
Views from my walks on the trails around our property ~

Fun Fact : Walking for 10 minutes a day increases concentration, brain function, overall mood, and reduces stress. Sign me up for more of that! Have you gone for a walk yet today?

#2 Purge and Go through Unused Items
Just like with the decor in the spaces throughout our home, I also like to take some time to go through our personal items as well. You know those things that tend to pile up on benches, or get thrown in closets. Those miscellaneous things you shove in your junk drawer all year long? Just me? I digress. While I like to keep our spaces clean on a daily basis, I am notorious for tucking things away where they don’t belong for the sake of doing a quick clean up. This time of year, while our schedule is a little slower, I like to go through any of the places I’m known for stashing things I want out of sight quickly, cleaning them out and organizing if need be. This also includes my wallet “hello grocery shopping receipts that I don’t need to hold onto,” and any of the purses or bags I use.
As moms, we can set the atmosphere in our homes. When we are on edge everyone can feel it. So if you are happier when things are neat and tidy, spend some time tidying up your spaces today, so that you can be in the best mood possible for everyone else in your home.

And while I’m cleaning things out, I also like to take this time to go through my clothes, and our linen closet. I look for anything that hasn’t been worn or used in the past year. I make two piles, one for anything that can be donated, and the second is for anything that is damaged or worn through goes to the trash. I also have my kids help me go through there things as well. This teaches them how to go through items and learn what to keep and when it’s time to donate. A skill they will be able to use when they are adults.
Did you know that gifting or giving away items helps combat depression and is scientifically proven to boost your mood. Another thing I think we could all use more of during these gloomy winter months.

I know the thought of cleaning or purging things doesn’t really sound like fun, but the way it makes me feel after I’m done, I swear it feels like fun. It can also feel overwhelming, especially if you haven’t taken the time to do a good cleaning out in a few years. I love to trick my brain into cleaning, by telling myself “just focus on one spot today” – like the desk in my office. Or “just one drawer”. It’s so much easier to tackle one small area a day, then the thought of pulling everything out and then loose all motivation to start. By focusing on one small area, I get to feel that sense of accomplishment sooner because I finished the task. And sometimes even quicker than I thought it would take me.
Sometimes it leaves me feeling motivated to tackle more – so I do! Seize the moment, or when the mood strikes. And give yourself a realistic goal about what you hope to accomplish. For instance, I haven’t tackled the baskets in our coat closet yet. I know there have been items tossed in those all year long, and soccer cleats my kids have grown out of that are ready to be donated, I just haven’t had a timeframe yet that will allow me to finish it once I start. For the more daunting clean-outs I wait until I have enough time and motivation so I can get it all done.

What’s one area – perhaps a closet, or a drawer, or even a surface that you could tackle this week? Who knows maybe a whole room. I promise you will feel so much better once you do.
I know in essence these things don’t seem like a lot, but they make a big enough impact in my life, that I keep returning to them year after year. I’d love to know how you start off your New Year! There might be something that I can pick up from you as well. Be sure to tell me in the comments below, and I hope you feel encouraged to either get back into routine, or maybe start a new one!

I enjoyed hearing how you start off the new year! I need the reminder that’s the little things in hidden corners that cause needless stress. I’m going to tackle the junk drawer that I keep pretending I don’t have.
It seems like the older I get the easier it is to purge so many areas I know I won’t be using all that stuff that’s in them. I do like to walk and enjoy it but, my views aren’t as nice as yours.
Great ideas with much needed encouragement! I know you’re right as I’ve done this before. Thank you for motivating me!! 🙂
I use to do my Spring cleaning closer to Spring. Then one year after the first of the year after Christmas was down I thought why wait no matter what time of year it is your house will get dirty and I found when I cleaned later and nice weather came I wanted to be outside but I had to finish my cleaning!!!! So I start in the winter so when spring comes I’m done and can enjoy the nice weather!!!!!!!!!
I love the idea of cleaning one area, even one drawer, one closet, or one corner of a room. I do this and it keeps me from being overwhelmed with decluttering and cleaning in the new year.
Bre, So enjoy your ideas on how to get a bit of control in our lives in the new year. I used to find myself depressed after the holidays but realized I was so exhausted trying to make everything perfect. Now that I am older I have simplified my holiday decorating,shopping,baking ,social events and enjoy them so much more and even love when January arrives and I can pack it all away and start the New Year with a fresh slate. I do my share of decluttering and cleaning but have learned even that can be overdone. Winter is a time to refresh our minds,bodies and souls in whatever way is best for us. Yesterday my husband and I took a drive to a lake and
hiked to an area to view Bald Eagles. It was wonderful to be out enjoying nature and the Eagles were amazing to see. We stopped for lunch on the way back and came home refreshed and ready for the coming week.