Ok, let me first say, sorry for my lack of posts these last few weeks. Things don’t seem to be busy, but if I look at my lack of blog posts, I guess they are. Well time for an update. I have been hot on the search for all things white, can I just put a side note in here :…
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35 by 35
Well, the title pretty much about sums it up. Months ago I ran across this list, from a sweet blogger I follow, and being a list person myself, I was instantly drawn in. If you’re not a list freak like me, than you might not understand my explicit joy that comes from this process, but nonetheless I encourage you to read on. For some reason lists…
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~Re-Purposed Chalkboard Sign~
So last week, I had a fantastic night out with two of my favorite ladies. Not only was it refreshing to spend time with them, bought I got to browse and shop WITHOUT the kids 🙂 I love spending time with my kids, but I think anyone can agree how important it is to have a break. So since neither…
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DIY Board & Batten
I am so pleased as I write this, because that means our little B&B project is complete in our master bedroom. YES. I love how simple this project is, but how drastic of a change it gives you. If I had a small home, I would do little things like these to the whole room, and probably every room just to add…
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Happy New Room?!
Well, by now I’m sure that all of you have pretty much recovered from the holidays and gotten back into the routine. Excuse, my disappearance act this last week. We had quite a bit going on, and I just finished taking down the last of the christmas decor yesterday. YIKES. Anyways, my big motivation was I got a new rug…
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Quick & Easy vase filler
Well, with Christmas this week I have decided to take things super easy. It’s so easy to caught up in the business of the season, and sometimes miss out on the most important things. So I decided towards the end of last week that I wasn’t going to much of anything online this week, and spend as much time with…
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christmas crafts
So I’m a little late in getting this post up, but seeing how the theme of this post is for christmas crafts, and yesterday I think we did the ultimate in christmas crafts (making our own gingerbread houses) I’m excusing myself for being late 🙂 Don’t worry I will be putting up a whole little post on the wonderful time…
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~Merry Mantle~
Well, as most of you know we just finished our wood stove project, as mentioned here. So I have a brand NEW mantle to decorate for christmas. Just one more area to fill up with holiday yumminess 🙂 So here is a close-up look at our new mantle, decorated for christmas. So technically I have 3 sides. Not one, three =) That…
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Setting the Table
Hey guys, I’m joining the party over at The Lettered Cottage today for Holiday Tablescapes, and wanted to share with you what I came up with: I’m so glad I finished painting my dining room table (post on that project later) in time to dress it up for the holidays. I inherited my china set from my Auntie Karen, about a…
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