As I've been decorating my own house for Christmas, and browsing stores and the internet, there are definitely some things that catch my eye. Some seasonal favorites I see year after year, and of course some new holiday decor that comes out each year. Even though you may not have already started decorating your home for Christmas ( I like to get a head start), I wanted to share with you some of my favorite Christmas decor that I love. ... Read More about Christmas Decor Favorites
Casual Christmas Tablescape
Hello Friends! And welcome any new friends, if you are visiting from another blog participating in todays Christmas tablescape tour. Honestly whenever the word tablescape is in the title, I get a little giddy. We are back for another round of Seasons of Home Holiday Decor, and this time sharing our Christmas tablescapes. Last week we all shared our Christmas kitchens, and there was so much inspiration, I just want to bake Christmas cookies now, lol. I will actually be sharing a few different holiday table looks over the next couple weeks, so for todays Christmas tablescape I went a little more casual with my decor, and I can't wait for you to see! ... Read More about Casual Christmas Tablescape
Thanksgiving Table Staples
Hi Friends! Thank you so much for all of your kind remarks regarding our new dining room table. It's so fun to see the space freshened up, and while I still have a few things I want to do, I'm glad I was able to show you before all of my holiday decorating is in full swing. If you are a familiar face around here, than you know I have a deep passion for creating warm and inviting tables. Whether they are elaborate or simple, I always pull out my staple pieces when it comes time to entertain. With Thanksgiving just a week away, and Christmas coming soon, the holidays are the perfect time to gather friends and family around the table. So I wanted to share with you some of my favorite ... Read More about Thanksgiving Table Staples
New Dining Room Updates
You guys sure know how to make a girl feel good! I always feel hesitant sharing accomplishments, ANYWHERE. I'm not really a shout it from the rooftops type of girl. I'm more of a behind the scenes, loves to watch other people be inspired type of person. I am overwhelmed by all of your kind remarks on my last post. Seriously, I only wanted to share because first it was a long time dream, and second, all of you being here, post after post, encouraged the dream to come to a place of reality. So it didn't feel right keeping it to myself. Thank you so much for all of your kinds comments, and making what is normally an awkward moment for me, feel like a celebration!! So I've made some changes ... Read More about New Dining Room Updates
BH&G Christmas Feature
Hi Friends!! I have some pretty exciting news to share with you today. Umm sort of like, pinch me, dream come true kind of news. I feel like I've been keeping this secret for ever! Well for 1 year, and now I can share it with you and I'm so excited!! ... Read More about BH&G Christmas Feature
Gingerbread Cake + Orange Glaze
Hi Friends! Today I'm sharing with you how I made the gingerbread cake you saw in yesterdays Christmas Kitchen post! You guys this seriously is the best and easiest recipe to have for this holiday season! Because lets face it, we could all use a secret weapon in our back pockets for holiday entertaining. You know that fuss-free, guaranteed to be magical overtime recipe. YEP! Best part is, it's a box mix. And I have no shame about that. I love making things from scratch, but sometimes mama just ain't got time for that. And I need something I can grab quickly and know it will be delicious every time. So here is the easiest, most delicious gingerbread cake recipe you will every need. ... Read More about Gingerbread Cake + Orange Glaze
Christmas in the Kitchen {2017}
I know that we haven't hit Thanksgiving yet, and so for some it may seem a bit early, but in an attempt to offer inspiration before you start decorating for Christmas this year, I wanted to share a bit of Christmas decorating I did in our kitchen over the weekend! If you heart is pounding just at reading the word Christmas than I encourage you to check out my Thanksgiving table HERE, or my DIY Pumpkin Centerpiece HERE, just to calm your nerves a bit, and reassure you I haven't totally skipped over Thanksgiving. I will say that I'm excited to start sprinkling in some Christmas here and there around our house. Once Halloween is over, it's fair game in this house, and I will tell you my kids ... Read More about Christmas in the Kitchen {2017}
DIY Pumpkin Centerpiece
Thank you SO much for all of your lovely comments on my Thanksgiving Table I shared over the weekend. It was so much fun to create, and I'm so glad you guys loved it as much as I do! I have gotten so many questions about the pumpkin centerpiece, so today I'm going to share with you how I made it. **Disclaimer: I'm not the best at sharing tutorials, half the time I just wing it, so this is my attempt to show you how I created it from photos I quickly snapped along the way.** I will do my best to make sure I cover all the details, but please don't hesitate to ask questions about what I used, or how I did something. ... Read More about DIY Pumpkin Centerpiece
Pumpkin Centerpiece Thanksgiving Table
Hello friends! I'm so excited to share this years Thanksgiving Table with you. I'll be honest after the huge response to last years table, I was a little worries about creating one this year, in fear of how I was going to make it better than the years before. I think that as bloggers we sometimes feel that we have to outdo the previous years before, and we are constantly competing with ourselves to create the next biggest and best thing! So after getting over that fear of not creating something better than last years table, I started focusing on just something that I would want to create. Regardless of what I've done before, I just let the creative juices flow, and I have to say I am totally ... Read More about Pumpkin Centerpiece Thanksgiving Table
Dining Room Design Board Inspiration
Hi friends! If you've been following along on my little dining room table journey, then you know we recently sold our dining room table, kinda suddenly. I did a table makeover - HERE - to fill in the gap of not having a table, and give me some time to finalize the design plan. Well I'm happy to share I have design plan. Two actually! So I'm sharing them with you today, two dining room design board inspiration plans, and while I may not have everything finalized until after the holidays (that's ok, who likes to rush anyways), you will start seeing some of this plan unfold over the next week or so. Are you ready to see?! ... Read More about Dining Room Design Board Inspiration
15 Thanksgiving Table Ideas
Happy November friends! I honestly cannot believe we are already in November, and the holidays are officially upon us. Crazy right?!? So to kick this holiday season off, I'm sharing 15 Thanksgiving Table Ideas with you to hopefully get those creative ideas flowing for this years Thanksgiving Table! I will be sharing my own Thanksgiving table with you later this week and a fun DIY to go along with it, but first I wanted to kick off the month with some pretty table inspiration. ... Read More about 15 Thanksgiving Table Ideas
Weekend Getaway
I had every intention of sharing this post with you yesterday, and then we got hit with a major rain storm late Sunday night, with winds hitting 50mph knocking out power across most of New England. We were lucky enough to have ours restored only a few hours ago. Thankfully we had no other major damage. Our basement flooded with a few inches of water, but luckily I had just spent Columbus Day cleaning and organizing down there, so everything was up off the floor. And thankfully my husband was very persistent the first year we lived here pushing me to get us a generator. We have relied on that thing more times than I care to admit, one winter for 10 days. So other than a few inconveniences we ... Read More about Weekend Getaway
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