Just popping in today to share with you my favorite recent pins! All of my projects and diying caught up with me this past week, and I totally crashed Wed. and Thurs. So I listened to my body, put everything on hold, took some naps, and enjoyed refreshing. I hope to get some pictures of everything over the next few days to share more with you, and I will be back on Monday with another post on how I get a clearer picture of what my style is, and you can too! Until then, enjoy the pins, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend doing whatever it is you are doing!via: Country Livingvia: NightingGale Designvia: Restoration Hardwarevia: Marin Home Magazinevia: Brandon Architects via: Atlanta ... Read More about This Week’s Top Pins
Wednesday Catch-Up!
Hello Friends!! We have been quite the busy little bees over here lately. With temps in the single digits lately, we have been in hibernation mode. Perfect time to bust out some projects from the to-do list. If you follow me on Instagram, than you know there are lots of things happening over here. For those not on Instagram I will fill you in a bit over here, and also provide a little more info for the Instagram posts you have seen.So we sold out black dining room table! I know you're thinking WHAT?! But yes, it was time to bid her farewell, and although I like the table much more once it was black, it still wasn't my dream table, which the hubby so sweetly offered to make. So first I had to ... Read More about Wednesday Catch-Up!
10 minute DIY Wall Art
Today I want to share with you a quick project, with few supplies needed, that almost anyone can do. I love decorating my walls with photos and art that celebrate our life. My kids, our family, and our marriage. I love all the arrow art that seems to be the latest craze and came up with this simple diy project after seeing this inspiration here. I didn't want to have to go out and buy anything to make this, so I strictly used what I already had so for me this project cost $0, but if you don't have everything, you won't have much to get :) I started with this free chalkboard background found here.Then I uploaded the image to Picmonkey, which is where I edit all of my photos. The thought ... Read More about 10 minute DIY Wall Art
Kitchen Details & Sources
So now that all the holiday dust has settled, and all those fun decor posts are done. Back to house stuff!! And onto a few details about our Kitchen Update. And I would like to remind you that other than painting and a few decor changes, there was no major renovation that took place! It's amazing the power of paint, and how that alone can transform a room. We started off with our main theme to de-brownize the space. While the cabinets are white, every other surface seemed brown, and appeared to take over the room.Before :So when we moved in it looked like this. Pretty much a blank slate. Since the kitchen was the only room in the house that wasn't painted yellow, this room was on the bottom ... Read More about Kitchen Details & Sources
$325 HomeGoods giftcard Giveaway!
Happy Monday to you!! It's giveaway day!! In my opinion this is the perfect time of the year to get a gift card, because once all the christmas stuff is put away. Your home feels like a fresh, clean slate to decorate, not to mention empty! Maybe its time to finally get that one accent piece we talked about the other day. Maybe it's time to start dipping into the style you really want to incorporate in your space. Or maybe it's time for a total overhaul?!? Ahem! Ring a bell with any of you. Well we teamed up with 14 other bloggers to give you a chance to do just that. A $325 HomeGoods Gift Card!! Hello!! You can certainly wake up, or finish any space with that! You will also win a tote from ... Read More about $325 HomeGoods giftcard Giveaway!
Discovering Your Style with A Statement Chair
Now that all the christmas decor is put away, I always feel like the house feels like a clean slate. The new year poses a perfect time to redecorate or freshen up any room in your house, a chance to look at things differently, or finally create your favorite space. One of my main goals is "To help others Love the space they Live in." I don't care if you own or rent, you can Love any space you Live in. One of the things I hear most often is "I just can't seem to figure out what style I like" or "I don't know how to put things together" or even "I don't even know where to start". Sometimes a whole room can be intimidating when creating your favorite space, so lets break it down a bit and focus ... Read More about Discovering Your Style with A Statement Chair
Family Photo Shoot {2013}
I'm so excited today to be sharing our most recent family pictures. We had them done at the end of October, in the most perfect setting, with the most perfect light, and of course the most perfect kids. It's ok they are about the only thing I can be biased on and no one can tell me otherwise :) HA HA! Our photographer is AMAZING! I've shared before a few images she's captured, and this time is no different. She out did herself, and we are just in love with the outcome. I told her I'm going to paint my walls with her photographs, and now you can see what I mean. Here are some of my favorites :The last three photos are of just the hubby and me. I love that my husband totally puts up with me, ... Read More about Family Photo Shoot {2013}
Top 5 Projects of 2013
I haven't ever done a Top 5 post on the blog before, so I figured it was time to give a try! It's always refreshing to look back from where you've come, and provides great motivation to keep moving forward, especially with the New Year right around the corner. Plus we did some projects this past year that were on the top of my list from when we moved into this house back in 2011, and it felt so good to cross them off the list. I hope you enjoy the look back with me, as we get ready for some new things in 2014. In complete random order my Top 5 :1. New Paint in the Living Room2. Hallway Transformation3. New Paint in the Kitchen4. Create your own Chalkboard Paint5. Thankful Themed Table ... Read More about Top 5 Projects of 2013
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year {2013 Holiday Card}
I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday season, and surviving as the dust settles from Christmas, and we prepare for a new year. I'm compiling a post of my top 5 projects of 2013 to share with you next week, but just wanted to share our 2013 Holiday Christmas card with you. We did a family photo shoot back in October, and I can't wait to share more with you and some of my favorite photos. Until then, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! ... Read More about Merry Christmas & Happy New Year {2013 Holiday Card}
Pinecones, Mercury Glass & Greenery Christmas Tour {2013}
I don't know about you, but I can't believe we are down to the last week before Christmas, already! I've started my christmas shopping, but am no where near finished. UGH! I have had so much fun this year soaking in all this holiday season has to offer. I've had the honor of decorating other homes than just mine, which has felt like one big christmas celebration week after week. I've completed almost everything on my Christmas Bucket List, with the rest lined up to be completed this week. You know, listen to christmas music, bake christmas cookies, go sledding, christmas parties, and much more! Today the Nester is kicking off her holiday home tour link up, so I thought it was a good day to ... Read More about Pinecones, Mercury Glass & Greenery Christmas Tour {2013}
Christmas Mantle Sneak Peak
Things have been in a decorating frenzy over here. I've been busy decking the halls, which you can totally get some sneak peaks on Instagram. This year we are totally neutral. Pinecones, greenery, and mercury glass. It's by far my favorite theme, which is making me think I can get rid of everything else, and just stick to this for years. I spent last week at a few other spaces decking their halls for christmas, and a few holiday parties. We are starting off December with a bang! Today I'm sharing with you one little sneak peak of our mantle. There is still one part that I can't decide if I'm finished or not, but I will have the rest of it up this week, along with some more Christmas around ... Read More about Christmas Mantle Sneak Peak
2013 Advent Calendar
So this year I finally got around to making an Advent calendar. I had big hopes in the past, but there just weren't enough hours in the day. I always love being able to start new traditions with the kids, and this one has been a huge success.I have been waiting since last week for a nice sunny day to get some decent pictures, and today the sun finally broke through the clouds. I had our Advent calendar first set up in our dining room, which was a great display spot, and the kids could see it, but I really wanted them to take part in it. So I later moved it to the kitchen.If you follow me on Instagram then you've already seen the boatload of Christmas decor that has taken shape around here. I ... Read More about 2013 Advent Calendar
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