Hi Friends! I’m so excited to share more about my NEW book, The Gift of Home, and a special gift for you to celebrate! I started my blog from the passion that I want everyone to be able to Love the space that they call Home. Not just the ones who seem to have a knack for decorating, or don’t seem to struggle with putting a room together – EVERYONE. In my new book I share a lot of my own personal journey in decorating, from the time I was a little girl, to a young adult trying to find my style. For me I never fit into just one decorating style so I always felt like I just didn’t fit in. Until I realized that your true style is one that reflects your own personal style. And that friends is a style that can never go out of style or be wrong.
The Gift of Home | My NEW Book!
Hi Friends! I am so excited to spill all the details with you today on my NEW book coming out – The Gift of Home. In case you hadn’t heard I wrote another book! Can you believe it? I’m still marveling over the first one, and to now have a 2nd book baby coming out into the world – somebody pinch me please, because never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever write a book, let along TWO!! This book also feels a tad sentimental because I wrote it while we were still living in our last house. At the time I was writing it I didn’t know just how soon we would be moving, and I feel so thankful to have this keepsake from the house we spent a decade living in and growing our family.
Special Announcement!!
Hello friends!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend !! I’m so excited because today I get to share a special announcement with you all!! It’s something I’ve actually known about for quite awhile so I can’t believe that the day is finally here where I get to share it with the world! It feels like the arrival of another member to family – my book family that is. I shared in my recent Coffee Chat post that I had been working on a few fun projects behind the scenes, so consider this special announcement #1!! Guess who had a baby sister?!?!?
Spring Tablescape Sources from | The Gift of Gathering
Hello friends! Today I’m sharing all the sources from the Spring chapter in my book The Gift of Gathering. This past fall, I shared all the sources from each fall gathering in the book, and while I do have a source list in the back of the book, so many of you loved having a link you could click on to find the source directly as well. A lot of my pieces I did re-use for tablescapes throughout each season, but I did also get a few new pieces for the book.
Farmhouse Breakfast Excerpt from The Gift of Gathering & a GIVEAWAY!
Hello friends!! Happy Spring to you all!! In the midst of all that is going on in the world today, my publishers, Harvest House, are offering an amazing deal on my book “The Gift of Gathering”. Right now they are offering it for 40% OFF + free shipping, for the month of April!! Yes, you read that right. So to celebrate, I wanted to share an excerpt from one of the Spring gatherings in the book, and a special GIVEAWAY as well! It’s going to be so much fun!
It’s Spring!
Hello friends! Spring is coming and I am so excited! Today I’m sharing some glimpses of the Spring Gatherings from my book, and what spring means to me.
Spring Market Book Signing!
Hello friends! I am so excited to share this news with you today, I have a book signing coming up, and I’m so excited for the chance to get to rub shoulder and meet some of you in real life! There is nothing like getting together in person, especially to celebrate, and this is going to be such a fun event!
Coffee With Bre
Did you know I have a FaceBook group? You may have already known this, in fact some of you are in the group, but as this little private group grows into a community, I can’t help but think of one thing – YOU! So today I want to tell you about “Coffee with Bre”.
A New Sign Inspired by the Book!
Hello Friends! I am so excited to share a new piece of decor hanging in our house with you today! A new sign! And not just any sign, this one has such a special meaning, because it’s a quote from my book! Seeing my words displayed in this beautiful artistic way, and the gentle reminder that it brings with it, has my heart overloaded with joy! I’m so excited to share it with you today!